Properties and Cons of Peaches

Best Recipes
4 min readSep 14, 2019


Properties and Cons of Peaches

Peaches, known in Latin as Iranian plums, have hard core, yellow flesh and velvety skin. The peach fruit is divided into two groups of separate kernels and adhesive kernels and is very similar to fruits such as shaftalo and shalva.

It is interesting to know that the similarity of peaches and salmon is so high that sometimes the products of a peach orchard also contain a small number of salads and this is also true in the salad garden. It’s interesting to know that peach is the most popular fruit in the whole world, according to the World Population Report.

Benefits and Properties of Peaches

Alzheimer’s prevention

Peaches are one of the most popular fruits that are very useful for brain health. The fruit, which is the most popular fruit in the world because it contains high amounts of folate, is extremely beneficial for brain health.

Interestingly, the juice of this fruit is very useful in preventing brain disorders and age-related Alzheimer’s and dementia. In addition, the use of peaches has a positive effect on the nervous system.

Another property of peach for the brain is that it helps to boost memory and increase intelligence, which is why it is used in addition to older people who are prone to diseases like Alzheimer’s, growing children to improve memory. .
Weight loss and weight loss

Peaches are low in calories and will keep you full for long periods of time, helping you lose weight and lose weight. The fiber in this fruit reduces bad blood cholesterol and controls high blood pressure and regulates blood sugar. Eating 8 grams of fiber daily is very effective in weight loss.
Embolism treatment

Embolism, or stagnation, is a condition in which the patient disappears as a result of blood clots in the arteries and vessels. Peaches are one of the best fruits for the prevention and treatment of this disease, if you are likely to have this condition in your body, put peaches in your diet.
Detoxification of the body

According to research, peaches contain vitamin A, C, E and selenium, which are powerful antioxidants to detoxify the body.
heart health

The polyphenol in this fruit reduces the risk of heart disease and fiber, vitamin C and potassium in the fruit lowers blood pressure and removes bad cholesterol and promotes heart health.
Reducing stress

Peach fruit in Hungary is known as a calming fruit. It works well in relieving nervous stress and reduces anxiety and worry.
Anti-inflammatory property

Vitamin C in peaches is very useful in reducing inflammation, especially in people with hypertension, obesity or diabetes, and because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it can treat gout, asthma and ulcers and blood vessels The effect of inflammation has been weakened.
Peeling the skin

Vitamin C in peaches kills dead skin cells and acts as a natural peel. You can apply a piece of this fruit to the skin to nourish the skin cells and peel off the skin.
Digestive Improvement

As mentioned, peaches are high in fiber and help improve digestion and digestive system. Peach is a diuretic fruit that cleanses the kidneys and bladder.
Strengthen bones and teeth

Vitamin C and A in this fruit strengthens bones and teeth, and the combination of vitamin C and iron in this fruit reduces lead absorption. Reducing lead leads to good tissue growth and strengthens bones and teeth.
Treatment of anemia

Anemia caused by iron deficiency and vitamin C can be treated. Peaches are an iron-rich summer fruit that is high in vitamin C and is a great natural way to combat anemia.
Reduce blood fat

Phenolic compounds in this fruit reduce bad blood cholesterol and increase good cholesterol, thus preventing cardiovascular diseases.
Eye health

Peaches are known as a fruit rich in lutein and saxanthin enzymes that protect against potential light-induced damage to the retina and reduce the risk of eye disease in adults.

Side effects of peaches
Digestive problems

Try to consume peaches in the right amount because over-consumption of this fruit will release gas in the intestine, causing bloating. If you have gastrointestinal illnesses, it is best to avoid eating too much peach.

People who have a sensitive stomach and are very bloated should eat peaches an hour before eating to avoid bloating. Peaches are a little difficult to digest in the stomach of these people and should therefore be eaten before meals.

Thanks to Parsisara ( خواص و مضرات هلو )

