Best Canned Green Beans Brands

Best Of: Foods Edition
7 min readApr 14, 2024

As a food lover and experienced chef, I’ve tasted countless canned green beans over the years.

It’s a simple yet versatile ingredient that can be used in various dishes or enjoyed as a side.

I’ve tried my fair share of brands and can confidently say that some stand out above the rest.

Del Monte Cut Blue Lake Green Beans

I recently tried Del Monte’s Cut Blue Lake Green Beans with no added salt. Let me tell you about my experience with this product.

These green beans are crisp and fresh-tasting. The beans are cut into bite-sized pieces, which makes them easy to eat and add to dishes. Since there is no added salt, I could control the amount of seasoning myself.


  • Crisp and fresh flavor
  • Bite-sized pieces make them easy to eat
  • No added salt, so I can season as I like
  • Affordable price
  • Convenient canned format


  • Some cans arrived dented, which could affect quality
  • May lack flavor for those who prefer saltier green beans

I enjoyed the fresh taste of these green beans and appreciated being able to season them myself. The canned format makes them convenient to have on hand. However, a few dented cans did arrive, which could impact the quality. Overall, I would recommend trying these green beans if you want a fresh-tasting, affordable option with no added salt.

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Green Giant Cut Green Beans

I love canned green beans because they are so easy to prepare and still taste delicious. The Green Giant Cut Green Beans are my go-to choice.

These green beans come in a pack of four 14.5-ounce cans. When I open one of the cans, I’m greeted with a vibrant green color and a fresh aroma. The beans are cut into bite-sized pieces, making them perfect for adding to soups, casseroles, or just eating as a side dish.

I find the texture of these green beans to be firm yet tender. They have a satisfying snap when you bite into them, but they’re not tough or rubbery. The flavor is pleasantly sweet and slightly salty, which is exactly what I want from canned green beans.


  • Convenient and easy to prepare
  • Vibrant green color and fresh aroma
  • Perfect bite-sized pieces
  • Firm yet tender texture with a satisfying snap
  • Sweet and slightly salty flavor


  • The cans can sometimes arrive dented, but the beans inside are still safe to consume
  • Some people may prefer a lower sodium option

I love how versatile these green beans are. I’ve used them in so many dishes, from simple sautéed green beans with garlic to adding them to my famous green bean casserole for holiday meals. They always turn out great.

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GREEN VALLEY Organic Cut Green Beans

I love these canned green beans! I’ve tried many different brands, but these are my new favorite. The green beans taste so fresh and have a nice crunch to them, even though they’re canned. The flavor is perfect — not too salty or bland.


  • Organic and non-GMO
  • Great fresh green bean taste
  • Nice firm texture, not mushy
  • No weird flavors or aftertaste
  • Easy to open can with pull tab lid


  • A little pricier than some other brands
  • Sometimes hard to find in stores

These green beans from Green Valley are the bomb! The moment I opened the can, the aroma of fresh green beans hit me. They smelled just-picked from the garden. When I tasted them, the flavor was out of this world. So bright and crisp, with that quintessential green bean taste.

The texture was also on point. So many canned veggies turn to mush, but not these babies. They had a satisfying crisp bite that made them seem freshly cooked instead of canned. I could really taste the quality.

Being organic is a huge plus for me too. I try to buy organic as much as possible to avoid pesticides and GMOs. It’s comforting knowing Green Valley holds themselves to higher standards.

My only minor gripe is that they can be tricky to find sometimes. My regular grocery store was often out of stock. But they’re worth seeking out online or at specialty stores. Paying a few extra cents is no biggin when the quality is this good.

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Le Sueur Premium Select Whole Green Beans

I have tried many types of canned green beans, but Le Sueur Premium Select Whole Green Beans stand out to me. They are top-quality green beans that taste fresh and delicious.

These whole green beans come in convenient 14.5 ounce cans. The cans are easy to open and the beans inside look vibrant and appetizing. When I open a can, the aroma is wonderful — it smells like fresh green beans straight from the garden.

The beans themselves have a great texture. They are firm yet tender, never mushy. The flavor is superb — sweet and crisp with just the right amount of salt. These beans taste like they were picked at the peak of freshness and canned immediately to lock in that just-picked taste.


  • Exceptional fresh flavor
  • Firm, crisp texture
  • Convenient canned packaging
  • Affordable for the quality
  • Kosher certified


  • Slightly more expensive than some other brands
  • Cans can arrive dented occasionally

I use these green beans in many dishes like casseroles, salads, and side dishes. They hold up well to cooking without getting mushy. The flavor complements all types of dishes beautifully.

For me, Le Sueur Premium Whole Green Beans are the best canned green beans money can buy. The fresh taste and high quality make them worth every penny. If you want a truly delicious canned green bean, this is the brand to get.

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365 by Whole Foods Market Organic Green Beans

I recently tried the canned organic green beans from the 365 by Whole Foods Market brand. As someone who loves green beans, I was eager to taste these.

Right when I opened the can, I could smell the fresh green bean aroma. The beans were a vibrant green color which looked very appealing. I heated them up and gave them a try.

The flavor was fantastic! The green beans tasted like they were just picked from the garden. They had a nice crunch and fresh taste that many canned green beans lack. The organic part made me feel good about eating them.


  • Great fresh flavor
  • Nice crunch, not mushy
  • Vibrant green color
  • Organic ingredients


  • A little pricier than some other canned green bean brands
  • Have to use a can opener to open

Overall, these organic canned green beans from 365 by Whole Foods were delicious. I’ll definitely be buying them again when I want a quick and tasty green veggie side dish.

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Buying Guide

When it comes to buying canned green beans, there are a few key things to look out for:

  1. Quality: Look for brands that use fresh, high-quality green beans. The beans should be crisp, vibrant in color, and free from blemishes or discoloration.
  2. Texture: The best canned green beans maintain a firm, tender-crisp texture after cooking. Avoid brands that produce mushy or overly soft beans.
  3. Taste: The flavor should be fresh, slightly sweet, and free from any metallic or tinny taste that can sometimes occur with canned foods.
  4. Ingredients: Check the label for simple ingredients, such as green beans, water, and perhaps a touch of salt. Avoid brands with excessive additives or preservatives.
  5. Packaging: Look for cans or jars with tight seals and no signs of dents, bulges, or rust.
  6. Brand Reputation: Stick to well-known, reputable brands with a track record of producing high-quality canned goods.


How long do canned green beans last?

Properly stored canned green beans can last for 2–5 years past the “best by” date on the can. However, for the best quality and flavor, it’s recommended to consume them within a year of purchase.

Are canned green beans healthy?

Yes, canned green beans can be a healthy addition to your diet. They’re low in calories, high in fiber, and an excellent source of vitamins A, C, and K.

How should I cook canned green beans?

You can heat canned green beans on the stovetop or in the microwave. Drain the liquid from the can, and then heat the beans with a little butter or olive oil for added flavor.

Can I freeze canned green beans?

While you can freeze canned green beans, they may become mushy or lose their texture after thawing. It’s generally better to use them fresh from the can.


Finding the best canned green beans can elevate your meals and provide a healthy, convenient side dish.

Look for brands that prioritize quality, texture, and freshness. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different brands until you find your perfect match.

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Best Of: Foods Edition

Food expert for 20+ yrs. Owner of Best Of: Foods Edition blog. Seeking the world's best dishes to obsess over. Join my delicious culinary journey!