How To Throw A Drop Ball In Softball

Best Baseball Review
2 min readMar 4, 2023


How To Throw A Drop Ball In Softball

Softball is a sport that is enjoyed by many people around the world. It is a team sport that requires physical strength, agility, and skill. One of the essential skills in softball is throwing, and in particular, the drop ball. The drop ball is a pitch that drops suddenly as it approaches the batter, making it difficult to hit. In this blog, we will discuss how to throw a drop ball in softball.

Grip the Ball Correctly

The first step to throwing a drop ball is to grip the ball correctly. To grip the ball, place your fingers on the ball’s seams and apply pressure with your fingertips. The ball should rest in the palm of your hand. Ensure that your hand is relaxed and not too tight on the ball.

Use a Four-Seam Grip

Next, use a four-seam grip. This grip involves holding the ball with all four seams facing forward. It allows the ball to rotate more easily, which helps to create the drop.

Create a Backspin

To throw a drop ball, you need to create a backspin on the ball. This is done by snapping your wrist downwards as you release the ball. The backspin will cause the ball to drop suddenly as it approaches the batter.

Practice Your Release

Practicing your release is essential to throwing a drop ball effectively. Your release should be quick and precise, with your wrist snapping downwards as you let go of the ball. Make sure that you follow through with your pitch, extending your arm downwards and towards the ground.

Vary Your Speeds

To be an effective pitcher, you need to vary your pitch speeds. Throwing a drop ball at the same speed every time will make it easier for batters to hit. Try to throw your drop ball at different speeds to keep the batters guessing.

Mix Up Your Pitches

Finally, mix up your pitches. Throwing a drop ball every time will make it easier for batters to anticipate your pitch. Mix up your pitches by throwing different types of pitches, including curveballs, sliders, and changeups.

In conclusion, the drop ball is an essential pitch in softball that requires skill and practice to master. To throw a drop ball effectively, you need to grip the ball correctly, use a four-seam grip, create a backspin, practice your release, vary your speeds, and mix up your pitches. With dedication and practice, you can become a skilled pitcher and help your team win games.

