Giriraj Purohit
2 min readNov 16, 2015


Why And How To Get Reliable And Worthy Educational Information Online

A few decades ago people were running to the post offices or telephone exchange to get their exam results. On the other hand the learning of the schedules for such exams or entrance test they had to visit the concerned office notice board or had to wait for their intimation slips to arrive. At the ultimate they were eagerly waiting for the newspaper where the confirmed educational information and results would be available. More often than not candidates had to run from pillars to post in search of educational information.

No More Wild Running

Arrival of computers and Internet has completely changed the scenario today. Availability of educational information online has made things easier. It is no more necessary running from pillars to post in search of information or university results. They can now be obtained from the relevant websites sitting in the cool comforts of one’s home using the computer with Internet access. With advanced technologies intervening the people are even getting the information on their laptops, tablets, notebooks, and smart phones while on the move.

All Aspects Covered Online

That is not all. An intending candidate can not only search for India results online but also results from overseas universities and institutions. Right from enrollment through admission, course curriculum following and filling out forms for exam are also concluded through online transactions. Many reputed institutions are also providing facilities for online exams and certifications. It seems that the entire education world has turned digital.

Getting Information Online

All these sounds pretty nice but the million dollar question is how to get information online. The best way is approaching the website of the university or institute if it is a one-point program. However if the requirements of the viewer is diversified and if he or she is seeking information on different institutes, universities, programs, events and university results, viewing any website that is specific to some institute or organization won’t suffice. Instead; the candidate has to find out a quality educational portal that would offers comprehensive information on everything they desire to know.

Why Quality Educational Portal

Having information floated online is not enough. Instead it is necessary that they are fresh and updated. For instance; if one is looking for India results online in respect of competitive examinations like Indian Civil Services, banking, or railways preliminary or main exams, then only a quality portal would be able to give all details required by such viewer. Similarly, for choosing the institute for higher academic certifications the candidate would require the latest and most updated information on course curriculum, fee structure, faculty position, amenities for boarders, and eligibility criteria among others. Outdated or obsolete information may not help their cause.

It would be very useful if the portal allows the viewer check blogs, forums as well as updates; all in one glance enabling the person get all educational information online. This means when the viewer accesses the site, he or she won’t have to frantically search for some information or other since all the information would be displayed in single window by the site.

