2 min readNov 10, 2015

Mom Tips for a Fun and Hassle-free Toddler’s Day Out

Everyone likes to have a buddy everywhere we go, but if you’re a mom, your toddler is often your most loyal partner. And that’s a whole different story from having a baby in tow. For one, toddlers don’t sleep as much, and when they get very fussy, you can no longer just tuck them under a sling. The good news is the more he can practice good behavior in public, the better he’ll get at it. Next time you take your toddler out, keep these tips in mind;

Perfect Timing

If your kid is well-rested, he will more likely be cooperative, so it really makes a difference to time your schedule with his. The best time is often in the morning when he’s all fresh and excited about a band new day. At lunchtime or in the afternoon can be not as great, especially when he has to be really well-behaved (for example, if you’re taking him to a children’s library). There are a lot of things to do in dumfries.

More Time

Kids can be very energetic and move fast when they want to, but when you’re running errands and trying to safe precious time, they can make you wait while they explore everything around them. This is part of normal kid behavior, so be ready to relax and stay around when a bug appears on the floor. Be prepared to answer questions too.

Simplicity is Key

You need to understand that kids below five have very short attention spans, so it’s unrealistic toe expect that you will be able to run errand after errand without delays. You’ll always have to stop from time to time, especially if you’ve got a very healthy kid.

Preparation Is Also Key

As a mom, you can’t afford not to expect the unexpected. Talk about an all too sudden stomach upset or a full-blown tantrum while you’re lining up to pay at the grocery cashier. Always be ready with something to manage the kiddo, like tummy chewables or his favorite toy. You can say that there are a lot of things to do in dumfries and galloway.

Throwing the White Flag In

Finally, know when it’s time to surrender. If your kid has a total meltdown at the supermarket, he’s not likely to stop even if you’re only in the middle of your long shopping list. It pays to know when it’s time to pack up and just go home. It’s hardly comforting that you’ll have to come back later, but that’s still a much better option than having a whiny little kid who just won’t cooperate no matter how you try to.