mSpy Review for iPhone: Pros, Cons and Features

Comfort O.
6 min readApr 17, 2024


mSpy Review for iPhone

Introduction: Keeping Tabs in the Digital Age

In today’s hyper-connected world, iPhones have become an extension of ourselves.

They hold our personal data, communication channels, and a window into our online activity.

For parents, this reality can be a double-edged sword.

iPhones offer incredible educational and communication tools, but they also expose children to potential dangers lurking online.

This is where parental control apps like mSpy come in, promising a way to monitor your child’s iPhone activity.

But is mSpy for iPhone the right solution for you? This comprehensive review dives deep into the app’s features, functionality, and potential drawbacks to help you make an informed decision.

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What is mSpy? A Feature Overview

mSpy is a commercial monitoring app marketed towards parents seeking to supervise their children’s smartphone activity.

It boasts a feature set designed to track calls, texts, social media messages, web browsing history, and even the phone’s location.

mSpy iPhone Review

While marketed for parental control, mSpy’s capabilities raise ethical concerns, and its use cases extend beyond just monitoring children.

Here’s a breakdown of mSpy’s key features for iPhones (without jailbreak):

#1. Calls & SMS Monitoring: See all incoming and outgoing calls, including phone numbers, durations, and caller IDs.

View all sent and received text messages, including attachments like photos.

#2. Limited App Monitoring: Monitor activity on pre-defined apps like WhatsApp, Viber, and Telegram.

However, access to some popular apps like Instagram and Facebook requires a jailbroken iPhone.

#3. Web Browsing History: Track websites visited on the iPhone’s browser, giving you an insight into your child’s online activity.

#4. Location Tracking: View your child’s real-time location on a map and access location history.

Set up Geofences to receive alerts when the iPhone enters or leaves a designated area.

#5. Remote Camera Capture: This feature is disabled for iPhones without jailbreak.

mSpy features

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Installation and Setup: A Technical Hurdle

Installing mSpy on an iPhone requires some technical knowledge, especially if you don’t want to jailbreak the device.

Here’s what you need to consider:

No Jailbreak Required (Limited Functionality):

This is the preferred method for most users. However, it restricts access to certain features like app monitoring for popular social media platforms.

Jailbreak Required (Full Functionality):

Jailbreaking removes Apple’s restrictions on the iPhone, allowing access to all of mSpy’s features.

The installation process itself involves downloading the mSpy app on the target iPhone and entering a license key.

While mSpy provides instructions, users with limited technical expertise might find it challenging.

User Interface and Dashboard: Navigating Your Monitoring Hub

Once set up, mSpy offers a web-based control panel accessible from any device with a web browser.

The interface is relatively user-friendly, with clear menus and categorized information.

You can access different sections to view call logs, text messages, browsing history, and location data.

The dashboard provides an overview of your child’s activity, with options to filter data by date or specific app.

It’s important to note that the interface might seem overwhelming for non-tech-savvy users, and some features require additional configuration.

Effectiveness: Does mSpy Deliver on its Promises?

When it comes to core functionalities like call and SMS monitoring, mSpy delivers as advertised.

You can see call logs, message details, and even multimedia content shared through text messages.

However, its effectiveness for monitoring other aspects like app usage depends on your chosen method (mspy jailbreak vs non jailbreak).

Here’s a more nuanced look at mSpy’s effectiveness:

  • Calls & SMS Monitoring: Highly effective, providing detailed information about calls and messages.
  • App Monitoring: Limited without jailbreak. Popular social media apps like Facebook and Instagram require a jailbroken device.
  • Web Browsing History: Provides a good overview of websites visited, but may not capture incognito browsing activity.
  • Location Tracking: Real-time location tracking and geofencing work well, offering valuable insights into your child’s whereabouts.

Ethical Considerations: The Fine Line of Monitoring

mSpy’s features raise a number of ethical concerns. While marketed for parental control, the app can be used for more intrusive purposes.

Here’s a critical look at the ethical considerations:

  • Privacy Concerns: Monitoring someone’s phone activity, especially without their knowledge, is a significant invasion of privacy. Open communication with your child about monitoring is crucial.
  • Building Trust vs. Micromanaging: Constant monitoring can damage trust between parent and child.

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mSpy FAQ: Your iPhone Monitoring Questions Answered (mSpy jailbreak vs non jailbreak).

General Functionality

Does mSpy work on iPhones without jailbreak?

Yes, mSpy offers a no-jailbreak solution for iPhones.

However, this limits functionality compared to the jailbreak version. Features like app monitoring for popular social media platforms are restricted.

What features can I access without jailbreaking my iPhone?

Without jailbreak, you can monitor calls, SMS, web browsing history, and location data with real-time tracking and Geofences.

Is jailbreaking required for full functionality?

Yes, jailbreaking unlocks all of mSpy’s features, including app monitoring for most social media apps.

Is mSpy detectable on the iPhone?

The no-jailbreak version is designed to be discreet.

However, jailbreaking might leave traces detectable by a tech-savvy user.

Installation and Setup

How difficult is it to install mSpy?

The installation process can be challenging, especially for users with limited technical experience.

The no-jailbreak method is simpler, but jailbreaking requires following complex instructions.

Do I need physical access to the iPhone for installation?

Yes, you’ll need physical access to the target iPhone to download the app and enter the license key.

Monitoring Capabilities

Can I monitor all social media apps on my child’s iPhone?

No, the no-jailbreak version has limited app monitoring capabilities. Popular apps like Facebook and Instagram require a jailbroken device.

Can I see what my child is doing on other apps?

mSpy allows monitoring pre-defined apps like WhatsApp and Viber without jailbreak.

However, it won’t capture activity on all apps.

Does mSpy track deleted messages or browsing history?

No, mSpy cannot retrieve deleted data. It only captures information from the time of installation onwards.

Can I use mSpy to listen to calls or record surroundings?

These features are not available for iPhones, regardless of jailbreak status.

mSpy Pricing and Legality

How much does mSpy cost?

mSpy offers different subscription plans with varying durations and features.

Prices can change, so it’s best to check their website for current pricing.

Is it legal to use mSpy on someone’s iPhone?

Laws regarding phone monitoring vary by region.

It’s crucial to check your local laws and regulations before using mSpy.

Generally, monitoring someone’s phone without their knowledge or consent is an invasion of privacy and might be illegal.

Additional Considerations

Does mSpy work on other devices?

Yes, mSpy offers monitoring solutions for Android devices, tablets, and even computers.

What are some alternatives to mSpy?

There are several parental control apps available, each with its own feature set and pricing.

Consider factors like functionality, ease of use, and cost when choosing an alternative.

Is mSpy safe to use?

While mSpy claims to be secure, any app requiring access to sensitive data carries some inherent risk.

Remember: This FAQ is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.

Always check your local laws before using any monitoring software.


In conclusion, mSpy offers iPhone monitoring capabilities, including call tracking, text reading, and location tracking.

However, its functionality is limited without jailbreaking the iPhone to unlock additional features.

Alternatively, a simpler version of mSpy is available for those who prefer not to jailbreak, although it lacks some advanced functionalities.

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Comfort O.

Entrepreneur, Writer, Online Marketing and Blogger.