Top 10 benefits of mineral content in mineral water

4 min readAug 17, 2022


A human can survive for at least 8–21 days without food. Without water? Only about 3 days! So, we can’t be stretching enough that water is the critical component in sustaining life. But do you know there are different types of water that we can find around our surroundings? We can find tap water, electrolyte water, purified water, distilled water, alkaline water and even Mineral Water or spring water around us and only a few types are fit for consumption.

Mineral water from the best mineral water supplier is one type of water that is fit for human consumption. It even comes with a lot of health benefits. Before going into its benefits let us first know what mineral water is.

What is mineral water?

Mineral water is quite simply water with mineral content. It is generally referred to as spring water because it springs from the natural outlets from the earth’s surface. Since the water comes directly from the natural spring, it is rich in minerals and is present in its purest form fit to be consumed by humans.

There is also an artificial way to make mineral water which is to add salts to distilled water or aerate it with carbon dioxide to create more carbonation. In most cases of Packaged Mineral Water, they supply artificial mineral water. By saying this doesn’t mean artificial mineral water is not safe to drink. In some cases, they are more beneficial than spring water as artificial mineral water comes in varying degrees of mineral deposits. So, it depends on your requirement what composition your body needs.

Typically, both natural and artificial mineral water contain rich amounts of Calcium Carbonate, Magnesium Sulfate, Potassium, and Sodium Sulfate. It may also contain gases like Carbon Dioxide and Hydrogen Sulfide.

Major Health Benefits Mineral Water

Due to the presence of vital minerals, drinking mineral water has several health benefits. Apart from keeping your body hydrated and quenching thirst, mineral water or Packaged Mineral Water helps keep your body healthy and functional. These are some of the major health benefits of mineral water:

Bestone Water

1. Lowers bad cholesterol

Studies reveal that the consumption of mineral water helps in lowering bad cholesterol in the body. This is due to the presence of magnesium and potassium content in the water.

2. Improves bone density

The consumption of mineral water improves the health of bones in the body. It reduces post-menopausal bone density (osteoporosis) in women. Due to the richness of magnesium content, mineral water maintains effective muscle performance.

3. Helps reduce high blood pressure

Mineral water regulates blood pressure due to rich magnesium and other mineral content. According to studies, consuming a glass of mineral water helps in reducing high blood pressure and prevents the risks heath disease.

4. Protection from Kidney stones

Mineral water is good to prevent the formation of kidney stones as it reduces calcium oxalate concentration. Besides, the presence of Bicarbonate, Chloride, Potassium and Sodium Electrolytes in the water ensures optimum water absorption besides preventing dehydration.

5. Healthy and supple skin

Regular consumption of water in general and mineral water in particular is ideal to keep your skin hydrated, moisturized and supple. Mineral water also delays the process of wrinkle on the skin.

6. Improve digestion

Since, mineral water has rich sulfate content, it increases the amylase secretion from the pancreas, this ultimately helping in digesting food. Mineral water is effective especially in case of heavy food consumption or overeat.

7. Helps relieve rheumatism

Suffering from rheumatism? Embrace the healthy habit of consuming mineral water. It reduces inflammation related to rheumatism and arthritis.

8. Replenishes electrolytes and fluids in the body

Electrolyte plays an important role in bodily fluids as it regulates heart, nerve, and muscle functions. The electrolyte that is lost from sweat due to hot summer days can be replenished by drinking mineral water due to its Bicarbonate, Chloride, Potassium and Sodium content.

9. Protection against muscle cramps

Magnesium assists in maintaining the effective movement of muscles in the body. Magnesium deficiency can lead to frequent muscle cramps. The presence of magnesium in the mineral water also prevents the loss of fluids and electrolytes during and after exercise ultimately preventing muscle cramps.

10. Prevents sweet craving

Sweet craving can imbalance sugar intake in your body which is very harmful especially if you are diabetic. Mineral water helps enhance the sensitivity of insulin which regulates the balance of blood sugar in a body. Magnesium in the mineral water also prevents sweet carving.

Final Words

There is no denying the fact that mineral water specially Bestone Water supplied by the best mineral water supplier has innumerable health benefits. But there is a word of caution here: Never over consume mineral water! Since, the mineral water has high level of salt concentration, it should have limited use for the patients with hypertension, kidney disease and pregnant women. Healthy individuals should not drink more than 2 glasses of mineral water per day.




Bestone provides you a world class drinking water with a multistage water filtration and purification system.