How Much Do You Know About Lumbar Spine Surgery

bestOrthopedic treatment
2 min readAug 18, 2022


The goal of lumbar surgical intervention is to reduce or eliminate discomfort while also restoring lumbar spine stability. Two general surgical techniques help these objectives:

· Decompression: The removal of tissue pushing on a nerve structure. It aids in the reduction of radicular symptoms (leg pain, burning, numbness). Decompression surgery is typically performed to treat discomfort caused by nerve root constriction.

· Stabilization: Stabilization aids in the reduction of musculoskeletal low back pain and discomfort. A lumbar fusion is intended to relieve discomfort at a problematic motion segment in the lower back. This type of surgery is most typically used to treat pain and impairment caused by lumbar degenerative disc disease or spondylolisthesis.

When conservative treatment fails, lumbar spine surgery may be an option. It is typically used as a last resort when a patient has exhausted all noninvasive pain management options such as physical therapy, chiropractic treatment, pain relief medication, and other noninvasive procedures. Surgery is also often reserved for those who suffer from significant pain that impairs their capacity to function.

Lumbar spine treatments are among the most successful operations performed by spine surgeons today. However, spine surgery for lumbar degeneration is only performed if all non-surgical treatments have failed. Patients who are carefully selected and undergo the proper surgical treatment heal quickly and can return to their favorite pastimes.

The outcome is not just the reduction in discomfort,

• You may discover that you can move around much more freely.

• You’re in a better physical condition.

• Your temperament improves.

• You don’t need as many painkillers.

• You can return to work.

• You’re more efficient at work.

Make an appointment with the most excellent Orthopedic clinic in Bangalore to get your Orthopedic treatment.

