Why Every Expectant Mom Should Have A Fetal Doppler

Best Reviews Hunt
6 min readMar 26, 2017


If you’re pregnant, it’s likely that your whole world is starting to revolve around your baby. You and your partner are looking for new ways to bond with the baby and are consumed with worries about his or her health. You’ve heard about fetal dopplers and how they allow you to hear your baby’s heartbeat at home. You know what a magical experience that would be and it’s tempting to go ahead and purchase one, but you’re skeptical. Your baby’s health is the most important thing to you and before you use a doppler, you need some common questions answered: How does a doppler work? How is it used? Is it even safe? Check our our fetal doppler guide below to learn more.

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How Does A Fetal Doppler Work?

The technology behind the fetal doppler is based on the “doppler effect.” Christian Doppler, an Austrian mathematician and physicist, discovered that when wave energy travels from two objects, the wavelength can be changed if at least one of those objects are moving. For example, imagine driving and hearing the high pitch sound of a police car directly behind you. However, as the car speeds ahead, the pitch lowers.

Fetal dopplers use this same principle. The fetal doppler’s probe or wand sends out ultrasound waves into the area it is placed over, in this case, the lower belly. These waves are then reflected from the moving object, in this case, the fetal heart. The frequency changes and the doppler then picks up on this change and it transforms it into a sound. The sound can be listened to with speakers or earphones. It will also appear as a heart rate if your fetal doppler has a display screen.

Although the doppler effect was discovered in 1842, the fetal doppler wasn’t actually invented until over a 100 years later. Dr. Edward H. Hon, a scientist and physician, invented the baby doppler in 1958. A fetal doppler is a handheld device that is used to detect the heartbeat of a fetus inside mother’s womb.

In the past, fetal dopplers were only used by trained doctors and midwives. Now dopplers are available in pocket-sized versions which expectant mothers can use at home without professional supervision. Mothers love listening to the heartbeat with their partners, who are often absent from checkups. It can also help ease their anxiety by reassuring them that their baby is okay.

How Soon Can I Hear A Baby’s Heartbeat?

Starting at week 5 the fetal heart rate accelerates by 3.3 bpm (beats per minute) per day for the next month. The fetal heart begins to beat at approximately the same rate as the mother’s, which is typically 80 to 85 bpm. The approximate fetal heart rate for weeks 5 to 9 (assuming a starting rate of 80):

  • Week 5 starts at 80 and ends at 103 bpm
  • Week 6 starts at 103 and ends at 126 bpm
  • Week 7 starts at 126 and ends at 149 bpm
  • Week 8 starts at 149 and ends at 172 bpm
  • At week 9 the fetal heartbeat tends to beat within a range of 155 to 195 bpm.

At this point, the fetal heart rate begins to decrease, and generally falls within the range of 120 to 160 bpm by week 12. Thankfully, after 20 weeks a baby’s heartbeat can often be heard using a relatively cheap stethoscope.

Are Fetal Dopplers Safe?

Fetal dopplers are safe for both professional and home use and do not require a prescription. Research does not indicate any risk to the mother or the baby when a fetal doppler is used. In fact, diagnostic ultrasound has been used since the late 1950’s.

The waves emitted by a fetal doppler are about 40 times lower than those emitted from an ultrasound machine. Ultrasound machines also use probes at a much higher frequency, which is why only trained professionals can perform an ultrasound, while anyone can safely use a fetal doppler.

Although fetal dopplers are safe, it’s important to know that they cannot replace regular doctors’ visits. While the fetal doppler can provide reassurance and can help you bond with your baby before birth, it should not be used as medical advice. Any concerns you have should be directed to your doctor or midwife. With an at-home fetal doppler, a midwife can listen to the heartbeat through the phone as well.

Reasons To Buy A Fetal Doppler

Whether you are a friend, relative or partner of a mom-to-be or an expectant mom looking to buy a cool baby gadget for yourself, a fetal heart monitor is a useful purchase you are sure to love. Fetal heart monitors, also called fetal Dopplers allow moms-to-be to safely hear their baby’s first heartbeats anytime, anywhere.

Just in case the opportunity to conveniently and safely listen to your baby develop isn’t compelling enough, here are more reasons to buy a fetal heart monitor for your favorite mom-to-be (or yourself):

1. Safe And Simple To Use

Fetal heart monitors use ultrasound technology that sends low-power sound waves into your body. The sound waves pass through your skin and tissue and are reflected by your baby’s heart. The monitor uses special conductive gel and Doppler technology to create a simulation of your baby’s heartbeat that can be heard through a speaker or headphones.

2. Reduces Pregnancy Stress

From fears of miscarriage early in the pregnancy to worries about the baby’s physical development, it is normal for an expectant mom to feel some anxiety about the health of her child. Many moms find that purchasing a fetal heart monitor allows them to “check in” with their baby more often and gives them a greater feeling of control and peace of mind.

Fetal heart monitors are especially useful early in pregnancy. Before you can feel your baby’s first kicks, hearing his or her heartbeat is really the only way that you can find out if they are okay.

3. Getting Your Partner Involved In Your Pregnancy

When you’re a mom-to-be, your pregnancy is always on your mind. Dads-to-be, on the other hand, may not feel quite so connected until they are actually holding your little bundle of joy in their arms.

To help your partner to feel more involved in your pregnancy, it is important to include him in important milestones such as hearing your baby’s heartbeat during your first prenatal visit, attending ultrasounds and feeling those first kicks. For busy dads who can’t attend your prenatal appointments — or for dads who want more listening time than a typical OB/GYN visit provides — a fetal heart monitor is the perfect way for them to bond with your baby at their convenience.

4. Helping Siblings Adjust To The Baby

Although a new baby is an exciting and joyful event for expectant parents, the arrival of a little one can be particularly challenging for siblings-to-be. It is very common for expectant parents to feel anxious about how their children will react to a new baby and how long it will take them to adjust.

One of the ways that you can help your child to adjust and avoid problems with sibling rivalry is to give them as many opportunities as possible to see and hear the new baby. Although it may not be practical to take your child to your prenatal visits or ultrasound appointments, a fetal heart monitor will allow you to safely share your baby’s heartbeat with siblings-to-be in the comfort of your home.

5. A Thoughtful And Memorable Gift

Giving an expectant couple the opportunity to hear the heartbeat of their unborn baby during its growth and development is a thoughtful and memorable present, indeed. As an added bonus, expectant siblings, grandparents, friends and other relatives will get to share in the joy, too.



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