How to start a security company?

Best Security Guard
5 min readMar 5, 2019


Theft, burglary, violence and similar crimes can bring huge loss to a business. Therefore, business owners are now availing security services to keep themselves safe. These security services are not only catering to businesses, but also to individuals for private security. This is the reason why the stats from the last decade show a boom in the security service industry.

For the people who possess working experience in areas such as law enforcement, military, etc., starting a private security company is a good idea, as relevant skills and experience can effectively lay a success path for them. But here, skills alone cannot help you identify ways on how to start a security company and grow it. More companies have entered in this industry which has made it hard for the newcomers to make a dominant space.

In this article, you will get useful information about how to start a security company with effective ways for its growth and promotion.

How to get prepared for starting a security company

  • First, decide the business type:

The first step should be choosing the category of the security business. From several options, select the one which is the most suitable for you.

Is your company providing security alarms and monitoring services or offering security service for data? Whatever you choose, it is important to do the research. It will help you to make a clear decision so that you can choose the most appropriate security business type.

  • Be unique among your competitors:

In a competitive market, it is necessary to understand your core strength, and highlighting it will make you shine among your competitors. This may be a daunting task, but it is crucial if you want your business to gain more revenue and a good name in the long run.

Be prepared to deal with a ton of competitors. Always remember that the one with quality services, insightful strategies and marketing techniques will win the game.

  • Licenses and permits:

For running a security business, licenses and permits are necessary. The requirements vary depending on the state where you want to set up the business.

For example, 40 hours training course and background checks are mandatory for security personnel in California. This training is conducted by the California Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Moreover, a bodyguard must have a private patrol operator license to provide security services.

Fulfilling the state and local requirements for being a bodyguard is also imperative. If you want to work with armed guards, make sure you get the gun permit.

  • Make a solid business plan:

Without proper planning and research, you cannot expect your business to run.

Your target audience is the foremost to consider. Deep research is needed to obtain information about your clients, their needs, demands and devise a strategy for locating the potential clients. If you are going to set up a business focused on providing IT security services then your attention must be more towards government agencies or the companies which handle sensitive data or information.

Furthermore, in this aspect, setting up the budget must not be ignored. Insurance rates, equipment, and employees you will hire, the cost related to establishing an office, and other expenses should be mentioned in the budget.

  • Web presence:

In this era of technological advancement, an enticing website, promotion on social platforms and captivating business materials are vital. No matter which type of your business you are operating, a dominant online presence is the most effective way to build a successful brand and acquire the attention of potential clients.

Your website is the biggest source of information about your company and the services you are offering. Make the website user-friendly (easy to navigate through) and compelling enough for users to stick around and go through all of the information.

Effectual promotion of Security Guard Company:

With more ways available for marketing and advertising, it has become easy for security service companies to promote their services. A suitable marketing strategy that aligns with your business can help you achieve your goal of getting more security service contracts.

Social media platforms have become crucial for all business types. In this digital era, online marketing and advertisement have become two major sources of getting the attention of the target audience.

According to the statistics from 2017, about 2.4 billion of people used social media platforms. Needless to say that we can expect the statistics to touch the 3 billion mark in near future. It has made it a powerful mean to market a Security Guard Company.

Here are some bonus tips which will further guide you on how to start a security company and promote it:

Craft catchy content:

Content is used to attract the audience and to keep them engaged. Various forms of content include text, audio, visual, and others which gain the focus of your audience towards your website or printed advertisement. Only a captivating, honest, and authentic content reaches to the heart of the customer that mentions your specialties in the best way.

Videos can be added to your content to share your work experiences. Videos have more engagement rate than written text and have a greater influence.

Promote your social posts across different social networks:

Cross promotion of the posts is highly beneficial for you. It is important to generate the content type according to the site, but the matched content can be shared on other sites too. For example, you may turn your Facebook post into a tweet by modifying it into 280 characters or less.

It also prevents you from creating too many contents.

Print marketing materials and other advertisement sources:

Brochures, flyers and similar materials could be effective resources for delivering important information regarding your company and security service offers.

Television, radio and newspaper are other beneficial sources that will facilitate you to get attention.


To lay the foundation of a successful and high profit earning business, it is imperative to have all the basic knowledge about how to open a security company. Through a combination of good services and marketing techniques, you can expand your security service business and become the leading company in your industry.



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