Types of Keywords in SEO

Best SEO Rankers
2 min readJun 13, 2024

In Search Engine Optimization (SEO), keywords play a crucial role in improving a website’s visibility on search engines. Keywords can be categorized into several types based on their function, length, and search intent. Here are the main types of keywords used in SEO:

Based on Function

  1. Primary Keywords:
  • The main focus of your content is typically a short-tail keyword.
  • Example: “Digital Marketing
  1. Secondary Keywords:
  1. LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) Keywords:
  • Keywords that are semantically related to the primary keyword, help to provide context to search engines.
  • Example: For “Digital Marketing,” LSI keywords could include “online marketing,” “SEO,” and “content marketing.”

Based on Length

  1. Short-Tail Keywords:
  • Generally 1–2 words long, very broad, and highly competitive.
  • Example: “Shoes
  1. Mid-Tail Keywords:
  • Typically 2–3 words, more specific than short-tail keywords.
  • Example: “Running shoes
  1. Long-Tail Keywords:

Based on Search Intent

  1. Informational Keywords:
  1. Navigational Keywords:
  • Used when users are trying to find a specific website or page.
  • Example: “Facebook login
  1. Transactional Keywords:
  • Used by users with the intent to purchase or perform a transaction.
  • Example: “Buy iPhone 13
  1. Commercial Investigation Keywords:
  • Used by users who are researching products or services before making a purchase decision.
  • Example: “Best smartphones 2024

Other Specific Types

  1. Branded Keywords:
  • Keywords that include a brand’s name.
  • Example: “Nike running shoes”
  1. Geo-Targeted Keywords:
  • Keywords that include specific locations.
  • Example: “Best pizza in New York”
  1. Seasonal Keywords:
  1. Competitor Keywords:
  • Keywords that target the brand names or products of competitors.
  • Example: “Nike vs Adidas running shoes”

Keyword Intent

  1. Evergreen Keywords:
  • Keywords with long-term relevance and consistent search volume.
  • Example: “How to lose weight
  1. Trending Keywords:
  • Keywords that are currently popular but may not have long-term relevance.
  • Example: “World Cup 2024”

Understanding these different types of keywords helps in crafting a well-rounded SEO strategy that targets various aspects of user search behavior and intent.



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