Deep Vein Thrombosis by Vein Doctor at Boston MA

Best Vein Center
3 min readFeb 25, 2019


Deep vein thrombosis is the accumulation of a blood clot in your deep veins of legs particularly. And half the time, DVT causes no symptoms.

If you smoke, you’re overweight, or you sit for long periods of time, the risks for getting this medical condition are increased. Talk to your vein doctor right away if you think you might have DVT.

DVT poses many risks to your long-term health; If the blood clot becomes dislodged it can travel to the lungs and cause pulmonary embolism (PE). After Deep Vein Thrombosis has occurred you are also at risk of developing post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS) in which damage to the veins causes permanent disability how the blood get back up from your legs to the heart.

Over time this leads to swelling, pain and can cause chronic disability. Your vein doctor can assuage this condition.Dr. Muzzamal Habib MD is an expert Vein doctor that can successfully conduct the surgical and medication treatments of spider veins, varicose veins at Boston Vein Care in Boston MA.

How Vascular Surgeon at Boston MA explains Deep Vein Thrombosis?

Your risk of getting DVT is increased if you have a condition that causes your blood to clot more easily than usual. Best examples of this condition are:

Prolonged Immobility

When a person remains motionless for a long period of time, the muscles of his body do not contract to help blood circulate, and this way there is an increase in the risk of blood clot formation. Extended bed rests, such as longer hospital stays or in paralysis, and still sitting or standing for lengthy periods of time, such as on a car or in aeroplane.

Aging process

One of the risk factors includes old age. Due to the aging process, there are some changes in the composition of blood which favor the clotting process.

Surgery and trauma

In both of these techniques, there is an increase in risk. As the tissue factor enters from outside the vascular system. In orthopedic surgery, the chances of venous stasis may be increased by cessation of blood, as it is necessarily required for surgery.


Growing of cancer in and around veins can also stimulate increased levels of tissue factor.


Pregnancy favors the clotting of blood in postpartum. Using oral contraceptives and hormonal replacement therapy are at the edge of increasing risk, which includes abnormal blood coagulation protein levels and reduces the plasma level of fibrinolysis. Your vein doctor helps you to cure these and to prescribe your preventive measures.

Other minor conditions include:

Cardiac(heart) disease and lung disease

conditions in which there is an infection in the body

thrombophilia — a genetic condition in which there is an increase in the tendency to clot.

Boston Vein Care is well known as best varicose vein and spider vein removal treatment center in Boston MA and in our opinion, sclerotherapy gets best results for the majority of patients and we use laser spider vein removal sparingly for patients who are not a good candidate for sclerotherapy.



Best Vein Center

Boston Vein Care is Varicose Vein, Spider Vein, laser vein removal, vein removal surgery Wound Care treatments center Lowell NH Boston MA.