What Causes Varicose Veins in Boston MA

Best Vein Center
4 min readFeb 27, 2019


Your body has two types of blood vessels which are arteries and veins. Arteries are the blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich, red-colored blood from heart to the peripheral organs, tissues and to the whole body while veins are the vessels that return the “used” bluish blood back to your heart. Inside your veins are tiny one-way valves that open to let the blood through, and then close to prevent it flowing backward.

While the muscles of your legs help your veins to pump the blood upward towards the heart. If these leg valves don’t function in a proper way, this can cause the blood to leak and flow backward, can contribute to the phenomenon what causes Varicose Veins.

If this happens, the blood collects in your veins, and your leg veins become swollen.

The reasons why the walls of the veins stretch and the valves in your veins weaken aren’t fully understood. Some people are also present in our society that develop the clinical condition for no general apparent reason.

Here are mentioned some factors what causes varicose veins:

Faulty Leg Valves

Once blood present in our superficial veins drains into deep veins, these one-way valves between superficial and deep veins are responsible for keeping the flow of blood toward the heart. However, if the valves are faulty and incompetent and do not function properly, this results in their failure to keep the blood flowing toward the heart and chest and superficial veins fill with blood due to backflow. This of one factor what causes varicose veins. There can be various causes of faulty valves, Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT) is a cause as well as complication of varicose veins. Talk to MUZZAMAL HABIB, MD at Boston Vein Care in Boston MA right away if you think you might have DVT or varicose veins.

Old age

Aging process decreases the elasticity of your veins. They also become weak and fail to reverse the blood to your heart. When blood starts pooling inside your veins, a major factor what causes Varicose Veins, they become enlarged as a result and start to appear blue because they are carrying large amounts of deoxygenated blood.


The changes in your vascular system and the increased pressure from your expanding uterus can contribute to the phenomenon what causes Varicose Veins.

In pregnancy, there is an increase in blood quantity in the body. This can also increase pressure, and your veins can expand.

When women become pregnant there is an increase in her weight suddenly and the valves in her leg veins cannot bear this sudden increase.

As the fetus is growing in your uterus, the veins in the lower abdomen, or pelvis, can be constructed. Your leg veins get bigger as the pressure builds because the blood flow back to the heart is slowed.


Being overweight puts extra pressure on your veins, which means they have to work harder to send the blood back to your heart.

This increase in the pressure on your leg vein valves, make them more susceptible to leakage.

This impact is more predominant in women.

Standing for Long

Still remaining for a long time at the same position in the same posture such as sitting, standing or hanging can lead to varicose veins as well. The muscles of your legs help to pumps the flow of blood towards the heart while walking. When you do not walk for a long time, the blood pools in the legs and causes varicose veins.

Boston Vein Care is well known as best varicose vein and spider vein removal treatment center in Boston MA and in our opinion, sclerotherapy gets best results for the majority of patients and we use laser spider vein removal sparingly for patients who are not a good candidate for sclerotherapy.



Best Vein Center

Boston Vein Care is Varicose Vein, Spider Vein, laser vein removal, vein removal surgery Wound Care treatments center Lowell NH Boston MA.https://bit.ly/2Tu4NxA