website builder
6 min readJan 30, 2018

Looking for more customers for your salon? Thinking how to grow your beauty and spa business?

Here is a plan to help you grow your salon business.

Know your customer

Do you know how many types of age groups walk into your salon? Do you know when do people walk in more? Which service do most of your customers use?

The understanding target customer is one of the most important factors in growing any business. This helps you in organizing your business to reap maximum productivity. And it’s even useful in planning marketing activities and introducing new services in the more profitable way.

Use social media

Why would someone want to spend their money on less impacting Advertisements and Hoardings when one can get more customers at free of cost?

Social media is the best and easiest way to let your potential customers know that you offer the best service. List all the social media platforms where your potential customers spend time. Now, knowing where your customers engage, also find what interests them. Write interesting and valuable content about topics that engage your potential customers.

Get found on Google

When someone asks you about a restaurant in your city what would you do? You search online, right? “Hair salon near me” that’s how your customers are searching for you. If you are not online you are missing a hot cake.

Getting online is not a big deal nowadays. Website builder apps like Boomer Marketing let you design your own website in under 5 minutes without any coding. Along with a responsively designed website a strong SEO practice, adding your website to google maps, listing your business on google my business and Yelp makes it easier for your target audience to find you.


Having a website where you can showcase your awesome stuff is a cool way to make your customer love your work. A website makes it even easier for people to know your business working hours, pricing, new design and book appointments without having to wait. A beautifully designed website is a hoarding that markets your business 24/7.

A blog on your website not just boost your customers’ engagement but also improves your search engine rankings. Search Engine results drive more customers to your salon without any cost.

Picture Power

“More than 13 customers walked into our salon when we shared a picture that shows a customer’s hairstyle in our salon. On an average we get 6 to 9 customers through online,” says Jeord McKay, a Salon and Spa owner based in the Philippines.

A picture speaks 1000 words. This is so true that many businesses in New York City post photos of their customers on their Facebook page and Instagram account because more than 30% American woman are on Instagram.

Click pictures with your customers, beauticians, neatly styled customers, and your team. Share them on Instagram and Facebook. Showcase your shop interior. This has been a very useful tactic to drive more customers.


Video is the Trend

Though pictures are a great way to engage your customers, a video has huge power in term of marketing. A simple video which explains beauty tips or hair care can make your business grow into a brand overnight. If you don’t know how to create viral videos it’s ok. Record videos with customers and put them on social media. This seems more realistic and people love such videos.

Join Groups

Every business has a group nowadays. Joining groups on Social media like Facebook, Vimeo, and Reddit, where your potential customers engage, makes it easy to market your services. Join groups and share interesting offers with group members.

Facebook groups and Facebook Marketplace offer an easy and convenient way to sell your services. If you operate a business in small city or town you can join location based groups. One best advantage of joining groups is that you can reach thousands of people at free of costs.

Share Your Knowledge

Are you a Hairstylist turned into Entrepreneur? Great, if even if you are not, you can share your knowledge with people on question and answers site like Quora, Yahoo Answers. They are people searching for beauty and personal tips. Go that extra mile, guest post on salon magazines. When you give the best answer you have a branding and customer for your business.


Let your people know about your business by sponsoring local competition or events. Offer free service for famous events in your location. Sponsor a hair styling at competition and share pictures on social media. Ask them to tag you in their posts or share on their profile. You may also consider sponsoring an event that falls out of your industry.

Make Friends

If you are going to say networking is not that useful I have this one question for you, why do most of the billionaires make friends? There is another side to anything, always.

But networking is amazing. Make friends with your local business owners. Plan offers, discounts for their customers, with mutual benefits.

Networking online is thrilling. List all the businesses that can help you. Try their products, review their services online, and write some guest post (too much of this is not good. be careful this might get you into trouble, reciprocal linking which Google don’t like).

Help each other and grow together.

Love your old Customers

What differentiates a good and average saloon service is the care that you show towards your old customers. The point we have to understand is that your old customer or a loyal customer is the one who liked your service and walked in again. He is going to spread a word about your service. Now, think what you want him to spread about your service?

Providing the best service to the existing customers should be your first marketing step. Talk to your customers. Making them feel that you care about their beauty and health. Often advice them, how they could be more beautiful. Ask for the feedback. This helps you in growing.

Over to you

While all of these marketing tips make people go to your salon, the best marketing plan to build a successful salon business is providing top class service, enticing offers, and peerless marketing. People can’t stop loving business that provides the best service.

Start growing your salon business

All the Best

