Bet tracker

1 min readSep 22, 2015


We at betegy are developing a new tool called “Betting tracker” (code name). The idea came to us few month ago when we thought how we can improve the process of betting.

We found a gap between selecting the bets and placing the bets. Everyone who takes it serious will use some variation of Excel table to plan stakes and track the results.

We thought that we can improve the process and create a tool which will easy life of bettors:

  • it will be in a cloud;
  • it will upload all the games, bets, odds automatically
  • it will allow to see probabilities of the whole set of bets
  • it will have different tools to help define stakes (Kelly’s method, flat stakes, values, etc)
  • it will show you all the past performance with advanced analytical tools
  • in future it can also derive suggestions based on the previous results
  • live score, notifications, and good design are by default

Here are early design mockups:

We plan to have beta available soon. Stay tuned.

