Betex Block Explorer and Other Platform Updates

2 min readMay 21, 2018


Currently Betex platform is almost ready for launch but being in a Beta testing stage allows us to deliver the newest platform updates to traders much faster.

We have launched — a dedicated block explorer that you can use to review any SBT transactions and wallet balances to make sure that all betting process is fair. We believe that it speeds up the research of SBT movements and increases overall transparency level of Betex platform.

On the Betex platform itself, we have added two links near every transaction ID in the list. The first opens the transaction in, and the second one copies the transaction ID to the clipboard to make it easy to review SBT transaction in any other block explorer you may use.

We are also improving our service by launching a ticket support system that is now available on the platform. Press the ‘Open new ticket’ button on the right side of dashboard screen to submit any bug, problem or suggestion directly to our support team. With this form, you can also attach screenshots and your browser’s diagnostic data to speed up the reviewing process in case of a problem.

We’re keeping on further improving of the platform with new features to be released soon. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to send it using any our communication channels, so we could have a feedback from our platform’s users to make Betex even better.

