60 Books People Like Us Recommend

Bethan Miles
3 min readMay 10, 2019


It is key to build relaxation and balance into our week, I call this #happybalance. Many of us like to do this by getting stuck into a good book. Whether a novel or a business book, every read shows us something new. I’ve asked people like us what they like to read and here are the 60 recommended reads for you to browse and add to. Let us know your favourites.

  1. Catch-22 — Joseph Heller
  2. The Ragged-Trousered Philanthropists — Robert Tressell
  3. Jonathan Livingston Seagull – Richard Bach
  4. Happy — Derren Brown
  5. The Second Bounce Of The Ball: Turning Risk Into Opportunity Paperback — Sir Ronald Cohen
  6. Eat that Frog — Brian Tracy
  7. The Success Principles — Jack Canfield
  8. Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not -Robert T. Kiyosaki
  9. Meditations — Marcus Aurelius
  10. Lazarillo de Tormes — Anonymous
  11. The E-myth — Michael Gerber
  12. The Chimp Paradox — Steve Peters
  13. The Faraway Tree — Enid Blyton
  14. How the Mighty Fall — Why Some Companies Fail — Jim Collins.
  15. Good to Great — Jim Collins
  16. The President is Missing — President Bill Clinton and James Patterson
  17. The Establishment — Owen Jones
  18. PostCapitalism — Paul Mason
  19. Sapiens — Yuval Noah Harari
  20. IQ84 — Haruki Murakami
  21. Tender is the Night — F Scott. Fitzgerald
  22. Great Apes — Will Self
  23. Amsterdam — Ian McEwan
  24. Rebecca — Daphne Du Marier
  25. Wonderful Lives — Nicky Bayliss
  26. Emergence — Derek Rydall
  27. A Hundred Little Flames — Preeti Shenoy
  28. This is Marketing — Seth Godin
  29. Start with Why — Simon Sinek
  30. Be More Pirate — Sam Connie
  31. Make Your Bed Admiral William H McRaven
  32. Better Than Before — Gretchen Rubin
  33. SS-GB — Len Deighton
  34. The Tipping Point — Malcolm Gladwell
  35. Alias Grace — Margaret Atwood
  36. Linchpin — Seth Godin
  37. The Very First Damned Thing — Jodi Taylor
  38. Jolt: Shake Up Your Thinking — Richard Tyler
  39. Dare To Lead — Brene Brown
  40. The Power of Habit — Charles Duhigg
  41. Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance — Angela Duckworth
  42. Tools of Titans — Tim Ferris
  43. Founders Dilemma — Noam Wasserman
  44. Border — Kapka Kassabova
  45. Raja Yoga: Conquering the Internal Nature — Swami Vivekananda
  46. The Night Circus — Erin Morgenstern
  47. Cryptonomicon — Neal Stephenson
  48. Climbing the Mango Trees — Madhur Jaffrey
  49. Do No Harm: Stories of Life, Death and Brain Surgery — Henry Marsh
  50. Shantaram — Gregory David Roberts
  51. Poison Wood Bible — Barbara Kingsolver
  52. Killing Floor — Lee Child
  53. A Tale of Two Cities — Charles Dickens
  54. Of Mice and Men — John Steinbeck
  55. Innovation and Entrepreneurship — Peter Drucker
  56. The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers — Ben Horowitz
  57. Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress — Steven Pinker
  58. The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language — Steven Pinker
  59. How to Be A Productivity Ninja – Graham Allcott
  60. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People — Stephen R Covey

