Damola Oguntola
3 min readFeb 25, 2019

Today we see many things around us that makes us hard to do what we want to do that is why we are human. From diet to education to income down to job we mostly are doing or occupied with what we don’t like doing worst of it is when it comes to saving. You can tell me for a fact that saving part of your income isn’t easy especially if you are a student or a family man because you will always be faced with responsibilities. In our modern time banks and other financial institutions has created awareness to people on you usefulness of savings then why will a person still find it hard to save that is just human nature. Due to this fact, many institutions and working places including government have created what we call a pension which is just a certain percentage of their monthly salary and what the company or government depending on who they work for. This method of compulsory savings for working person is of great benefit because most if not all the time the money is removed before the salary is paid and this pension is given only when the person retires from work. But still there are several disadvantage because it makes a person reluctant in saving since he or she thinks that there is already savings for him. Again it makes the person salary to be too small to take care of present basic needs.
With all this restrictions in income people who want to invest in cryptocurrency can’t because first of all to invest in an ico many say minimum investment is 1 ETH which is around $800 which is really much and second because investment in ico is usually 50–50 so people generally won’t want to invest their money for them only to just loose it.
Even though blockchain technology and it’s asset are becoming widely and generally accepted yet it still faces many challenges especially it’s complexity to various individuals who are interested but because of the whole tedious process right from acquisition to exchange this has deterred people away from it. Another problem people face is liquidity of their asset especially when they want to change from any digital currency to another or to simple fiat currency. Many of us know that even though blockchain was initially designed for the financial sector many other sectors of human activities have in one way or another been fused with blockchain to bring about its efficiency so people will try to get asset they need to operate a particular platform of their choice and getting all this financial asset usually demand one holding one of the major cryptocurrency and going to difficult exchanges to get those asset which are both money and time consuming that is why a dapp called Dividends3D have decided to create a platform whereby people can come and invest their funds and be given some percentage of income made from the platform has dividends. The amount depends on amount invested and payment is either in tron or eth.
With all things said this platform is something that no one should miss simple because it is a win win platform has it promote people to save their funds and also gives people the opportunity to get various digital asset of blockchain especially eth and tron.
To operate dividends3d platform, a type of its own digital asset will be used to operate every single details of the platform and users can decide to receive their dividends either in eth or tron or even both has decided by user.
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