Respiratory tract infections

3 min readJan 19, 2023


How do people get respiratory infections

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The respiratory system, which is the area of your body that controls breathing, is impacted by a respiratory tract infection.

These infections, which may afflict anybody of any age, can damage your sinuses, throat, lungs, or airways. They are often brought on by bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms.

Respiratory infections come in two different varieties:

upper respiratory illnesses.

lower respiratory illnesses

Upper respiratory infection

Your sinuses and throat are among the upper respiratory system’s organs that are impacted by an upper respiratory infection. A runny nose, sore throat, and cough are all indications of an upper respiratory infection.

Rest, water, and over-the-counter pain medications are frequently used as treatments for upper respiratory infections.

Most infections disappear on their own. sore throat, laryngitis, common cold, and sinusitis are a few examples.

Lower respiratory infection

The lungs and airways are both impacted by a lower respiratory illness,Lower respiratory infections typically linger longer and are more severe.These illnesses include pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchiolitis, and chest infections.


The following are signs of a respiratory infection:

if you cough, you might produce mucous (phlegm)

sneezing with a runny or stuffy nose

an upset stomach headaches

breathing difficulty, tightness in the chest, wheezing, a fever, or an overall sensation of ill health.

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photo credit:Anna shvets(


It is crucial to see your doctor for a proper diagnosis of a respiratory infection. Your doctor will be able to identify the underlying cause of your symptoms based on the results of your physical exam and laboratory testing like a chest x-ray or blood tests.

Your doctor will be able to administer the proper therapy, which may include antibiotics or other drugs after the diagnosis has been made.

To ensure that you are completely free of the illness, you must follow all suggested therapies exactly as instructed.


Washing your hands often with soap and water or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer is the best approach to avoid catching a respiratory infection.

Avoid being near somebody who is sick with the flu or a cold.

When unwell, stay away from other people.

There are vaccines for various forms of respiratory infections, including the pneumococcal vaccine for preventing pneumococcal pneumonia and the flu vaccination.

To help prevent more serious problems like pneumonia or bronchitis, it’s crucial to get treatment as soon as possible if you do contract a respiratory infection.


The course of treatment will depend on the underlying cause of your respiratory illness, whether it be a virus (like a cold) or a bacterial infection (like pneumonia), which often resolves on its own after a few weeks.

A physician could prescribe antibiotics (make sure you complete the whole course as advised by a doctor, even if you start to feel better). Also necessary to examine a sample of your mucus to determine the root cause of your respiratory infection.




Bethel is a foreign medical intern @2nd affliated hospital haikou city, china, a writer for healthcare, community service for well being, health education etc