Finding Love, Fueling Justice

Beth Godbee
2 min readFeb 14, 2017


“The search for love continues even in the face of great odds.”
— graffiti message shared by bell hooks (
All About Love xv)

I’ve written previously about the roller coaster of emotions I’m currently riding — fired up one minute and laid low the next. My guess is this up-down, high-low rhythm will be my norm for some time to come.

At one point, I’m knocked down by the force of historic, mounting injustice; the next I’m connecting with and inspired by others truly committed to racial justice. One day I’m literally curled up from the HURT of this era of dehumanizing pain; the next I’m filled up with HOPE from seeing people show up in persistent and powerful ways.

This morning I’ve riding high and want to share why, as I hope these resources might help with finding love, fueling justice:

  • I’m truly inspired after seeing activist Shaun King speak last night here in Milwaukee. I’m deeply grateful for his reporting and calls to action via social media.
  • I’m learning so much from working with America’s Black Holocaust Museum (ABHM). I really appreciate their “Breaking News” and online collections.
  • I’m feeling unbridled by reading Gloria Anzaldúa’s Borderlands/LaFrontera and planning an experiential gallery walk for class today. I’m committing (again) to working against all forms of injustice, including linguistic prejudice.
  • I’m lit by sharing bell hooks’s All About Love: New Visions — the perfect book for Valentine’s Day — through “love notes” to students and colleagues.

Today is a day when so many of us celebrate love. May we search for love in the face of great odds. May we work to understand love better — to truly know and create it in our lives. May we build the emotional literacies, stamina, and resiliency needed for addressing our own complicity in injustice. May we seek to enact love, as we make actionable commitments to justice.

“To truly love we must learn to mix ingredients — care, affection, recognition, respect, commitment, and trust, as well as honest and open communication.”
— bell hooks
(All About Love 5)

Originally published at on February 14, 2017.



Beth Godbee

I’m an educator committed to social & racial justice. Feminist teacher & researcher, yoga & Reiki practitioner, vegan & hiker. I blog at