Shake that Tambourine!

Beth Stymiest
3 min readFeb 10, 2018


When I was younger, exercise was what I did every day when I went outside to play. It was not something I had to schedule or think about— it was life itself.

Then I grew up, finished my undergraduate degree, got married, had children, worked full time, and finished my post graduate degree. I was busy and tired, and exercise just didn’t find a way into my schedule.

A couple of serious health challenges in the last ten years actually pushed me to start seriously thinking about incorporating exercise back into my life. I purchased a treadmill and that was the beginning of my journey to better health.

I have been pretty faithful to my treadmill. I use it regularly and it has never been a place to hang wet clothes. I have tried to shake it up a bit so that it doesn’t become too boring. I read or watch Netflix or listen to music depending on my mood. I run, I walk and I do HIIT routines all in the name of better health. Over the years, I have also purchased weights, a skipping rope, a yoga mat, and a Pilates ring which I incorporate into a variety of exercise routines.

This is all well and good, and I have had success with this but it is not really what I would call fun. It is something that I do because I know it is good for me but I don’t think I have ever had an endorphin rush — that supposed burst of chemicals that trigger positive feelings when exercising.

Enter the tambourine-playing ball-of-energy known as Tambourine Guy!

This Christmas, someone shared a video on my Facebook page of a group featuring Von Smith singing Joy to the World accompanied by Tambourine Guy. Tambourine Guy is a tambourine-playing musician who pops into music videos and just gives it his all. The absolute delight and energy that he demonstrates while playing his tambourine is a joy to behold.

And his enthusiasm is absolutely contagious!

I watched the video a lot and shared it widely. You can watch the video here: watch

Watching Tambourine Guy play that tambourine with all his heart made me realize that adding a tambourine and dancing to my own workout routine could be the fun exercise I was looking for. Luckily, I received a tambourine from a very good friend who saw my FB posts and the rest, as they say, is history!

Every day, I spend about fifteen minutes warming up for my treadmill routine by dancing and shaking and beating on my tambourine to some awesome music. It is one of the best parts of exercise time. There is so much pleasure in finding the beat to the music and just moving. I know I could do the same thing by just dancing but shaking that tambourine just takes it to another level.

I might look a little crazy but I feel young and alive!

Incorporating the tambourine into my own exercise routine has taken me out of my exercise rut and made exercising fun again. I am no great athlete by any means but finding something that inspires me to work out is a good thing. I look forward to shaking my tambourine for many years to come!



Beth Stymiest

Retired, Not Dead, Wife to Loverboy, Mother of Kid 1 and Kid 2, Blogging about life and the way I see it.