Spring Cleaning for the Soul

Decluttering your body, mind and spirit is needed from time-to-time to stay aligned with your life vision: let’s get ready together for the fresh week ahead! :)

Bee 🐝
5 min readMar 12, 2024

Sitting, thinking, and feeling with yourself can be an intimate and special experience, if you allow it to be.

I want you to take a moment to pause and reflect with me. On occasion, I like to reflect on how things are going and whether I’m feeling all out-of-sorts because I’m not in alignment with my values, shown through my daily tasks and behaviours.

Normally, I like to do these kind of deeper reflections every month, but I’ve found that weekly Sunday alignment checks are fantastic if you’re craving a change, if things didn’t run so smoothly during the week, or if you have some moments of confusion about making decisions.

Simplicity is essential to omit overwhelm, drainage, and confusion about your life. Simplicity helps clarify what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, and even how you’re doing it. Let’s get focused on what’s actually important. Not your friend, not your mum, not your partner or boss, you.

1. Declutter your physical space

Going through and clearing out the cobwebs will make you feel back in control of your life again.

Although this has been spoken about before, there is still much value to be gained from having your space tidy and clean. Or at least, having all unnecessary items and objects put away. It’s true that a cluttered space gives some wiggle room for a cluttered mind. Removing distractions that only bring you misery and displeasure can even be chucked out! This may help you deal with that hoarder syndrome…

I recognise the difficulties for some people to keep their spaces immaculate, this is indeed an impossible task to be asked. What matters is the mindset for which you will accumulate over time from this daily, weekly, monthly practice.

I love what Jordan Peterson says about cleaning your room. Making your bed and tidying your room relates with a personal responsibility for being in control of your actions in small and simple ways.

Don’t allow your environment to control your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.

2. Declutter your mental energy

Sometimes, I can get overwhelmed with all there is to do and get done that I forget to feel and listen to my head. Writing and journaling really helps me with decluttering my mind. If I’m feeling anxious and I’m not sure why, writing it can help me either explore why it might be happening or to just allow myself to feel it happening without concern for why.

There is much to explore and experience in life that it can consume your mental energy day-to-day. Storing your worries, concerns, and thoughts that won’t go away can be very beneficial to prioritise your goals and stay on track.

With these stored anxieties, you could begin to write solutions. Now, if you have any of these thoughts again, you can look back over your personal solutions and affirm them to yourself.

I’ll share a personal example with you:

Recently, I’ve felt anxious, worried and filled with self-doubt that I’ll never end up travelling to Western Europe this year because it’s too scary and I’m young and dumb. I realised that these are self-limiting beliefs that aren’t helpful to achieve this goal.

So, I wrote them down in my journal entry and sat with them for a minute. I’m now deciphering an aligned-plan that will help me to perceive travel as an opportunity for flourishing and connection with one of my top values — perceiving and experiencing beauty through art, culture, and nature.

I’ll create a guide on my anxieties and form an action plan on how my needs can best be met to make this Europe trip incredible, feeling ready and excited to adventure! (I won’t go into too much more detail, maybe I’ll turn this part into a separate email, but I’ll make simple actionable steps and affirmations from this plan to remind myself that it will be worthwhile and epic).

This can go for any decision or goal you have:

  1. Catch your anxiety/worried thoughts and feelings
  2. Write them down and store them somewhere safe to refer back to
  3. Find solutions
  4. Affirm and execute them

3. Declutter your why

Each task you do, write why.

This is similar to the above on decluttering your mental energy. However, this is for your life mission, purpose, vision, values, or mindset. All of those motivators and reminders that help you to keep going.

Simplifying all of these heavy-duty topics can release much stress from your back. If you don’t have a why for your life, I recommend writing one! It doesn’t have to be perfect, or exactly aligned to your inner feelings — starting is always better than nothing. Let it be a free flowing energetic message pouring out of you.

Some prompts that might help:

  • What do you feel so passionate about that you can’t stop thinking about?
  • How do you envision your best life 5 years from now? What kind of person are you? What are you doing? Where are you? Who are you with?
  • What does your ideal self value?

Then, after some reflection and contemplation, you could write or type these up in a concise way (a sentence or 2), make them pretty and unique to you! Pin these up around your walls or take them around with you like your pet dog.

I struggle to have self-compassion and this is something I’m actively cultivating!

I just want you to know that it’s completely okay and good and normal to not be focused on your life vision, goals, values, actions etc 100% of the time. This isn’t the purpose of life, it’s to be involved in the ongoing journey of discovering yourself. Humans are messy, imperfect, and flawed! Embrace it and don’t beat yourself up if you didn’t do something in alignment last week. See it as an opportunity for next week :)

Thank you for reading! I hope you found my insights useful in some way.

This post was actually originally from my Substack! I’ll be sharing more and more each week on my personal journey with content creation, ethical living, and spiritual inquiry.

If you’re interested in learning more in-depth ethics and philosophy, check out my new self-discovery series, which is focused on reflecting and decoding your unique values!

I also have a YouTube channel where I delve into video essays and slideshow presentations on cinema, identity-building, ethics, and spirituality.

Join the community by following or engaging with this post — I’m always happy to converse about a wide range of topics :)



Bee 🐝

Hey, I'm Bee! A contemplative and curious person plunging into the abyss of the human psyche and the narratives that shape our world.