Betinance rocks! Rounds speed up to 3 mins

Users’ feedback helped us to make an important decision to speed up rounds and make the Betinance game faster, funnier and more exciting! What’s next?

2 min readApr 25, 2019

Dear Betinancians!

First of all we would like to thank you for your incredible support, lots of messages and feedback you have sent from the start of the platform. From messages we have received from the community we realized one important thing. Our players find faster rounds as more exciting and a way more funnier. Therefore we have made a decision to speed up the rounds.

New time frame, Old rules!

Each round will now last 12 mins in total. Instead of 5 mins betting time frame and 15 mins waiting period, the new change will allow the player to place a bet within 3 mins betting round and then wait 9 mins for the draw. The entire process will be shorten by 8 mins (12 mins instead of 20 mins before).

This change will allow players to play more rounds in shorter time. We also believe that it will bring more players, fun and action to the platform as you can be still in action without a pause!

Faster rounds to come!

It is not the end. We will eventually skip to 1 minute betting round and 3 mins waiting period to make the game as much exciting as possible! Unfortunately this radical change will require better servers which will allow best possible betting experience. Hence it will take us some time to make it. We recommend to check our newsletters and social media to be updated as soon as possible.

New Design

Not only faster betting rounds but also design will be changed. We have been preparing new website design which will allow you to enjoy all the benefits as much as you can. Easy betting guide, promo video or other uniqueness.

Don’t forget to sign in and use your referral link with your friends and earn passive income!

See you at Betinance!

