Responsible Betting Practices

2 min readDec 19, 2023


  1. Track your bets and winnings: Keeping a record of your wagers and wins/losses helps you stay aware of your spending and identify potential patterns.

Use DraftKings’ built-in tracking tools or create a simple spreadsheet to monitor your activity.

2. Avoid chasing losses: It’s tempting to try and win back lost money by betting more, but this can quickly spiral into deeper losses. Stick to your predetermined budget and walk away when you reach your limits, even if it means “taking an L” on the game.

3. Take breaks and set time limits: Gambling should be enjoyed in moderation, not in marathon sessions. Set time limits for your betting activity and schedule breaks throughout the day. Disconnect from the platform and engage in other activities to refresh your mind and avoid getting caught up in the game’s intensity.

4. Don’t gamble under the influence: Alcohol and drugs can impair judgment and lead to risky betting decisions. Wait until you’re clearheaded before placing any bets.

5. Be mindful of your surroundings: Avoid gambling in public spaces or distracting environments. Find a quiet, comfortable place where you can focus on the game without external pressures or interruptions.

6. Recognize the signs of a problem: If you find yourself neglecting responsibilities, hiding your gambling activity, or experiencing financial difficulties due to betting, it’s time to seek help. DraftKings offers resources and support, and there are also numerous external organizations dedicated to assisting with problem gambling.

Remember, responsible gambling is about enjoying the game while keeping yourself safe and in control. By taking these steps and utilizing the resources available, you can ensure a positive and sustainable betting experience.




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