Let’s talk about the other woman

Betsy Chasse
6 min readAug 13, 2024

It took five years for my apology email to hit my inbox.

Photo by Julia Eagle on Unsplash

Word of advice to the new woman in that baby daddy‘s life…

Stay out of it because it’s very likely that you’re next.

I had an interesting experience recently on social media, a female friend who I have known for many years posted a meme about father’s rights.

Before you get your panties in a bunch, I firmly believe that both parents have the right to be engaged with an involved in their children’s lives. There are times when a parent should be kept away from their children, and then there are times when we should just be grownups for the sake of our children.

With that being said, I think most people don’t often truly understand how many times children are weaponized.

My ex-husband had a series of affairs. You’d be amazed to know that I wasn’t even angry about that. What finally broke me was the years of gaslighting and emotional abuse.

When I decided to file for divorce, I naïvely attempted to create a very amicable separation. I wasn’t a bitter ex-wife, I was actually quite relieved to be moving forward in a new direction. I firmly believed that my children had the right to know their father and that as much as they were my children, they were his children too.

