YOU’VE GOT LESS THAN 60 DAYS: No better time to start than now

Betsy Olabiyi
2 min readNov 2, 2022


Is it too early to start the countdown to 2023?
Well, we've got 60 days to go. So let the countdown begin.
I remember writing content on the first of March, "60 Days Down," and here we are on the second of November, "60 Days to Go."
How far along has the year been? Do you need to re-up your skill?
Have you revisited your goals for the year? How far have you gone? What can you do with less than 60 days left in the year?
It is high time you get awakened more than ever before and work more on those things you want to get done.
You can still finish the year with something to point to as accomplishments.
Get your goals planned out.

Make realistic goals within feasible time frames.

Don't work under pressure.

Do not give any chance for competition or comparison, which can affect your self-esteem and slow you down.

Know what you want, and go for it.

Be more disciplined, determined, and consistent.
You do not have anyone to impress with your results; you are your number one fan.
And only compete with yourself to become better at the end of the year than you were at the beginning.
Click the link below to read my content on "Life is a Competition: You are your Biggest Competitor."

Do not be discouraged that you have limited time and won't be able to do much.

You have to get started; each step you take in the next few days is a step towards achieving your goals and a step ahead in your life's journey.
There is a lot to be achieved in 2022. Get on it and grab the opportunities.

I am Elizabeth Olabiyi, a Content writer. I write about Personal Development.
I desire to see people become the best version of themselves.

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Photo Credit: Vaniatos on Unsplash



Betsy Olabiyi

Content Writer|| Inspiration||Personal Development||Finance Enthusiast