2 min readJun 8, 2018

An Update from the CEO

I know you have all been champing at the bit for some news prior to the World Cup. I just want to give you a heads up as to where we are at. We have spent the past few weeks refining the various components and testing on the Ethereum test networks. Over the weekend we will be testing on the live Ethereum network and all going well I will be messaging all on this group next week with links to what we will release which include:

  1. An android app for betting
  2. A BBN which exposes a lay interface (this is where you will be able to lay bets)
  3. An updated API with working endpoints so that 3rd parties can integrate
  4. A new website

We are also busy on the web application which will work on any device — this has been a bit delayed but will be out in the next few weeks.

I am incredibly proud of how far we have come in a relatively short period of time. The current releases are all about the football world cup — we will then focus on other sports and leagues and will have a serious push for the start of the European football season (August) and some other great sports/markets as well. The core components have now come together and we can focus on the rest of our commitments and building for the future.

More next week….


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