Journey Graph

Jared w/ Better Habits
2 min readDec 10, 2018


Gain confidence in yourself by observing your entire journey… the ups, downs, and all the hard work in between.

Often times we do not give ourselves the credit we deserve. We plan, work and hopefully accomplish what we set out to do, then move on. An efficient system, but troubling when we fail to accomplish what we want. What happens to the work then? Was it all for nothing, a waste of time?

Absolutely not.

Every effort made towards something you want is a win. Despite the amount of time that has past since you’ve made the efforts, seeing them can be very powerful.

Better Habits collects all of your efforts, (we call them ‘actions’), and display them in what many of our users call the mountains. These mountains of your hard work and determination showcase what your journey has really looked like. The ups and downs, the good, bad and the ugly.

Journey graph over just a few days
Journey graph over a year’s time

At a glance, you can see how your progress has been affected. Perhaps you took a break for a while or were very motivated during a specific time. It’s beautiful to see your humanity, not just the trophy at the end, but the journey it took to get there.

