Living Progress

Jared w/ Better Habits
2 min readDec 10, 2018


Achieve REAL success with a habit tracking app that actually holds you accountable. When you perform you gain progress, when you don’t you lose it. Simple as that.

Living progress mirrors actual habit formation. When you’re working on forming a new habit, the more you do it, the more natural it becomes. However, when you stop performing it, the habit will degrade over time.

This is more forgiving and accurate than a method like streaks. With streaks, when you miss an action, you start over. This discredits all of the work you’ve put in prior. The real road to habit formation and automaticity is not Streaks, it is living progress.

Action Score

The magic number behind living progress is your Action Score. When you create a habit, you select a difficulty setting. That difficulty setting designates a number of actions to form the habit, 14, 21, 33, 48, 67, or 90. This is NOT the number of days you need to perform the habit in order to form it. This is the action score you must reach in order to form it.

One step forward, two steps back. When you miss an action, two points are deducted from your action score. For example, let’s say you work out for five days and have an action score of five. Now let’s say you miss a day, two points are deducted, leaving you at an action score of three.

Living progress works seamlessly with your goals for each habit. Let's say you want to perform the habit five days a week or only on weekends. The app’s algorithm will calculate this accordingly and you will only lose progress for days you missed in which you intended to perform the habit.

Finally with all that being said, the old adage “it takes 21 days to form a habit” is very rarely true. For most users, it takes somewhere between three to nine months to form a habit within the app. It is not an easy task in the same way that it is not easy to change a habit in real life.

