Avoid Knee, Hip & Back Pain While Gardening With These Helpful Tips

4 min readApr 26, 2019


Spring is upon us. And if you’re a self-proclaimed gardener, the season is now. The snow has melted and it’s time to get your yard and garden back together after yet another rough winter.

Gardening and its physical components are frequently underestimated. However, gardening is tough work. It involves digging, weeding, raking, planting, and more. All these activities can place stress on your joints, connective tissue, and muscles. In particular, your hip, back, and knees can feel the pain while gardening.

Thus, you need to take proper care when setting out to tend to your garden. While it is a wonderful hobby, squatting in the same spot for long durations can set you up for injury and pain later on. So, how can you limit gardening back pain, hip, and knee aches? Let’s find out!

Warming Up Can Prevent Back and Hip Pain After Gardening

It sounds silly when it comes to gardening. Yet, warming your body up beforehand has an array of benefits. It will loosen up tight joints and get the blood flowing. In turn, you may feel less stiffness and back pain after gardening and experience improved range of motion.

Walk around or move a little before you begin digging or weeding. Stretch a bit. And consider doing the same after gardening to avoid back pain and other ailments. Take 5–10 minutes to warm-up and to cooldown. It doesn’t even have to feel like exercise; you could even just take your dog for a quick walk around the block.

Move Every 20–30 Minutes for a Solution to Gardening and Back Pain

The human body was made to move. Thus, when you stay in one spot, you inevitably end up with back, hip, and knee pain after gardening. Here’s a tip: Try to move or stretch every 20 minutes or so. It’ll get the blood flowing and prevent any disruption in blood flow or overuse from activation of the same muscles for too long. In turn, this will help reduce and prevent everything from knee to arm pain after gardening. Plus, it’ll probably make your gardening experience a little more enjoyable.

Don’t Sit on Your Knees While Gardening

The knees are one of the human body’s major weight-bearing joints. They endure a lot throughout one’s lifetime, so be nice to them. Sit on a pad or a comfortable surface — or avoid sitting on your knees altogether in order to prevent knee pain after gardening. They’ll thank you later on in life.

Keep Your Back and Neck Straight to Reduce Stress on the Spine

Limit positions where you are hunched forward or craning your neck. These positions place stress on the spine and tissues surrounding it, thus causing gardening back pain, neck pain, and more.

If you struggle with this, try to focus on engaging your core and keeping your shoulders back. Further, stretching and moving every 20 or so minutes should make you more aware of your body’s position, as well as what’s comfortable and what’s not. Remember, pain or aches is your body telling you something’s wrong. It’s probably not a good idea to grin and bear it, especially if you’re gardening with a bad back.

Lift Heavy Objects While Gardening with the Right Technique That Saves You From Back Pain

Squat down to lift heavy planters or pots, and push up through your lower body — don’t hunch your back! And if necessary, consider using a wheelbarrow or cart to help you out. Lifting something you can’t isn’t worth the back and arm pain after yard work is done. Check your posture and technique to ensure you’re lifting safely and securely.

Take Care of Your Body When Gardening!

While gardening is by no means a contact sport, it’s still hard work. Take the proper care when setting out to make your yard beautiful. If you do experience back, knee, or hip pain after gardening, don’t hesitate to get the help you need. Seek out a physical therapist, get a proper diagnosis, and get on track toward a full recovery. The BetterPT website or mobile app can help you find a book an appointment at a physical therapy clinic near you. Search for your perfect fit today.

