Solitude’s Symphony

2 min readMar 15, 2024


Photo by Grant Whitty on Unsplash

Why is this pain so hard to carry,

A place , a person, a thing

My questions change ,

I lay here wondering,

Am I even allowed to grieve myself

Am I allowed to grieve a death inside of me

How could it be?

A person who took my soul and wiped it clean, could make me feel the same like they all do.

Was i so wrong,

Was i so worthless

Maybe that’s why it happened to me,

Maybe I was worthless to be here.

Maybe all this while you were right

There’s nothing special about me

There’s nothing i have worth sharing

It isn’t affection, it isn’t anything

But blame me if you may for wanting things to be less suffocated

All i want is

All i need is

To find somebody like you used to be.

I do wonder was any of it real at all

Or were you insulting me all along

It isn’t needed,

I can do that well on my own

I have been told I’m worthless

I’ve been shown I’m worthless in many ways

You don’t need to say it.

I own it.

I own being useless

A waste of space in this earth

All this while i thought maybe I have something worthwhile to share with the world

Turned out I’m as much of a trash as you make me feel

As much of a joke as you make me feel.

I wish I could do something

But i can’t

And that is my story.

I can never do something.




To feel more and to put it in words, just to feel less, that's what writing feels like to me.