Creating a Romantic Atmosphere: Helpful Tips

Betty Moore
6 min readMar 22, 2017


What should be a home with a romantic atmosphere and how to use furniture to create it?

It is difficult to describe because the word “romanticism” has different meanings for different people. And all houses with a touch of romance always have one characteristic feature — they remain in memory for a long time. Such places can cause a sensation of nostalgia for the past epoch, or a sense of being in a completely different world. They can cause feelings of peace, comfort, and luxury. However, the romantic home is able to move you far beyond the state of “here and now” — into the alluring world of your dreams.

Now let’s figure out how to use furniture and other interior items and focus on such aspects of a romantic home as:

• Comfort

• Warmth

• Charm

• Using different feelings

• Detachment from domestic problems

• Attention to detail

• Element of surprise

And it’s not necessary to start from zero to create a romantic atmosphere — simple changes, such as repainting walls or adding accessories and accents are enough. At the same time, you need to focus more on creating the essential mood, than on everything else.

Comfortable furnishings will help to create a romantic mood

Perhaps, a comfortable furnishings has the greatest influence on the romantic mood than anything else. Regardless of the whole style, you need to remember about a sense of comfort.

It can be created as follows:

Upholstered furniture and decorative fixtures: soft bedcovers, various pillows, and rugs provide a sense of comfort. Drapes help to dial down sounds and soften the hard edges of windows and doorways.

Smooth curved lines: gentle curves and smooth forms create a sense of calm.

Restrained color: with the help of colors you can also create a sense of comfort. It is better to use neutral and sensitive colors for it. Monochrome tones or harmonious color schemes also contribute to a comfortable furnishings.

All of the above features help to create a convenient romantic atmosphere at the home. The main thing is to not overdo it so that your interior does not become too boring.

Add warmth

Is a romantic setting possible without a sense of warmth? This is certainly a rhetorical question because a romantic home is always warm and cozy.

There are several ways to bring warmth into the house. Here are some of them:

Color saturation: while the color can soothe and pacify, it can also enhance the temperature of the space. This color can be added to the decoration of the walls, use it when choosing the largest piece of furniture in the room, or use it as an accent. This will help to make a space warmer and more attractive.

Lighting: The most obvious, though not the only one way to bring warmth to the furnishings is by using a proper lighting — chandeliers, torchers, table lamps, floor lamps. They will create a multi-level interior lighting, and do not forget about the candles!

Texture: Using a variety of natural textures can also help to create a sense of warmth. It can be rustic or untreated wood, as well as simple organic materials.

Let’s talk about charm

Charm like nothing else can create a magic and a romantic atmosphere, it attracts and captivates. This is what makes a romantic home look special.

To attract and retain your attention, the romantic home should be charming and possess some individuality.

Patterns: patterns can catch an eye and keep the visitor’s interest. They can be borrowed from various sources, such as natural elements, ethnic or folk art.

Style: the style can enchant. Choose a style close to your heart that finds a response in your soul.

Paintings and photos: paintings on the walls and old photos add to the atmosphere individuality and fix a common theme.

Decor items and collectibles: natural decorative fixtures such as flowers, shells, and stones, or collections of man-made objects: figurines, utensils, also bring an individuality and charm. The only thing you need to remember about space that you should not overload it because the disorder does not look romantic.

We work all the senses to create a romantic atmosphere

The attraction of all senses has a great importance for the creation of a true romantic home.

By now we have mainly discussed visual and tactile qualities, but we should not ignore other feelings.

Factors affecting the sense of hearing and smell can make a huge contribution to the overall picture. But they must be more subtle since loud sounds or strong smells can distract attention and offend.

Hide for a while from everyday worries

The romantic atmosphere prompts to forget for a while about the problems of the modern world.

Using of furniture and items that belong to a different epoch or another part of the world contributes to it. This trend has been one of the leading in recent years.

Global influence: the furnishings in Eclectic style when using furniture and objects those are characteristic for different parts of the world. Using exotic motifs and colors in the decor will help your imagination move to another part of the world, as well as create a visual interest in the interior.

Past epochs: the furnishings of a house with elements of style borrowed from the past cause a sense of time travel. We tend to forget about the difficulties that people have suffered in different epochs and consider that time as innocent and less complicated. Therefore the furnishings of a house in styles of the past allows the house look more romantic.



Betty Moore

A furniture and interior designer who lives and works in NYC. Being in love with creative design and stylish furniture, I write the articles about furnishings))