Betty Moore
4 min readOct 18, 2017

Different styles of Office. Choose your best one.

Do not underestimate the quality and appearance of furniture that is in the office. While designing your office you may have some difficulties because you should think not only about style of design, but also about organization of space.

Design speaks about the company as a whole, so there is no trifle here. There are several types of office styles and every of them have their own pros and cons. This article will help you to find the best suitable for you one.

The main features that every office should have are light color scheme, trendy colors can be added. Functionality and practicality and good illumination, give advantage to daylight.

Office in Classic Style

This Style differs with severity and proportionality. Classic style is mostly used in designing of executive offices, meeting rooms and halls — where it is necessary to demonstrate the solidity and stability of the company. The main material for the manufacture of office furniture in the classical style is natural wood and leather. In the interior is also often present natural stone, metal and natural silk.


Modern technologies, functionality and creativity are the main features in high-tech style. Complete lack of decorative elements. But the play of light on glass, chrome and polished surfaces completely compensates for this. The main role is played by lighting on the ceiling and additionally at the workplaces of employees.

Fixtures are mounted on brackets or supports. The furniture is modern and ergonomic, convenient location. An anatomical chair, tables, curved angular shape. All that needs to be at the “arm’s length”. The space is divided by mobile partitions they are used for the negotiation zone, the chief’s office.

Linea U-Shape Countertop Reception Desk


Loft is spacious office space, which is not separated by any partitions or wall. The main feature of this design is high ceilings and large windows. In general, the loft style creates the impression of unfinished space.

Rough finishing, this is more characterized by the production room, rather than the office. Concrete wall, ceiling beams, communications, which are specially exposed for public viewing. Loft welcomes the combination of old and new. Brick wall and glass finishes, designer furniture and antique table lamp.


The Pop-art Style, surprises with its unexpectedness and creativity. Here, the usual objects acquire original forms, a new color and an outrageous decor. Furniture in the style of pop art is a combination of plastic, metal and glass, emphasizing the freedom and creative atmosphere of the office.


This style can afford the most daring and modern companies. Accents are made on bright-acid colors, broken lines and non-standard wall decoration. There are metal motifs or a simple brick wall. Room for office is elongated or round, the usual rectangular does not fit. Including various architectural elements, specifically heavier space-mansards, columns, multi-level ceilings. Doors, like windows, can be unusual shape.

Eco-Styled Office

Ecological style continues the tradition of country style, but not so clearly tied to the national color. The eco style is simple and natural. Natural materials, quiet colors, minimal decorative details. Office furniture in an ecological style looks easy and comfortable.

Betty Moore

A furniture and interior designer who lives and works in NYC. Being in love with creative design and stylish furniture, I write the articles about furnishings))