How to evaluate a neighborhood before buying property

Betty White
4 min readJul 9, 2019


If you are thinking about buying a property you have to take many things into consideration before actually buying it. Evaluating the neighborhood is one of those things. The value of the neighborhood is also influenced by a lot of things. If you don’t know how to do this and what you need to be on the lookout for, here you can learn how to properly evaluate a neighborhood before buying a property.

Housing prices

If you’ve got your eye on a certain neighborhood, logically the first thing you want to know is the housing prices. The quality of the neighborhood influences the prices a lot. So usually when the prices of homes are high, the neighborhood is good. But what does it mean when people say “it’s a good neighborhood”?


The first thing you want to check about the neighborhood that you are interested in is if it’s safe or not. If you are going to be living there, you don’t want anything bad to happen to you and your family. Living in an unsafe neighborhood isn’t good at all as you will be under constant worry. To check if the neighborhood is safe, ask the neighbors. They know the best. You can also check online to see if there are any news stories written about that neighborhood. A safe neighborhood should be the first thing on your home search checklist of neighborhood amenities.

Is getting around easy?

You want to live in a reachable neighborhood. A neighborhood that your friends and family can easily find. And more importantly, a neighborhood that allows you to easily get to where ever you want. Another thing that is very important is the public transport in this part of the city. It’s good to live somewhere with good public transportation as you never know when you will need it.


Having schools near their neighborhood is very important for families that are moving with children or those planning to have children. Both middle and high schools are good to have around. Neighborhoods without schools are usually much cheaper. That is exactly why retired people live in those parts of the city. It is automatically much quieter when there aren’t schools around.

Is there everything you need in that neighborhood?

What every good neighborhood should have is

  • a pharmacy
  • a grocery store
  • a green market
  • a pet store.

Everything that you might need, you want to have around. You don’t want to have to sit in your car and drive to the store every time you’re out of milk. You want to have everything close to you. This is a thing that will make your life much easier.

Neighborhood hygiene

This is something many people seem to forget about when searching for a home but the hygiene of the neighborhood you are going to live in is very important. Living on a street covered in trash is nothing but bad. Taking a nice walk with your child or your pet will simply be impossible. Not to forget to mention the smells that might be present too.

Be picky when buying a property. After all, that is where you are going to be living for who knows how long. And moving frequently is not something you want to be doing. It is very stressful and it is also very expensive even if you hire cheap reliable movers such as Small World Moving TX.

Is the neighborhood new?

New neighborhoods are built to please all your needs. So it is always better to search for homes in such neighborhoods. Old neighborhoods also mean the houses or buildings are old. And at first you might not have a lot of problems, but over time you will have to spare a lot of money to keep your home in good condition if it’s old.

How lively is the neighborhood?

Even if you are looking for a peaceful neighborhood you don’t want it to be too quiet. It’s always necessary to at least have a park where children can play or where you can take a walk. Any sort of entertainment is welcome too.

  • Cinema
  • theater
  • mall
  • restaurant
  • club
  • bar
  • sports center.

You won’t just be sitting in your house the whole time after buying a home. You want to be able to enjoy everything you want and not have to travel too much.

How to evaluate a neighborhood?

Once you have checked all the things above it is time to evaluate a neighborhood depending on your needs. It is always good to have an agent that knows how to evaluate a neighborhood. But if you can’t or don’t want to have one, you can do it yourself too.

Make a checklist of what you are looking for in a neighborhood. So if you need schools, put schools, if you need a pet shop, put that on the list too. Having a list will save you a lot of mess especially if you are checking more than one neighborhood at a time.

Write down the bad things about the neighborhoods too. Let’s say you are a senior planning to move, looking for a quiet neighborhood to enjoy your retirement. Plenty of clubs would be a bad thing but a lovely park will come in handy.


Have in mind that not everything can be perfect. You will have to settle for less and that is the cruel truth that you just have to accept. But try to find a neighborhood that suits at least 80% of your needs. Investing in a property isn’t cheap so if you have a chance to do it, do it right.

