Being evicted is never a pleasant experience, so learn how to deal with this situation

How to handle eviction moving in Florida

Betty White
4 min readJun 21, 2019

If you’re renting out a place instead of being a homeowner, there’s one thing you’re bound to hate — eviction. Once you’re evicted, obviously, you need to find a new home in a hurry and relocate there. But if there’s one thing most people don’t realize — it’s that eviction moving in Florida is no small thing. Or, moving on short notice anywhere, for that matter. Relocating can mean going through a complex time in your life. And when you’ve only got a limited amount of time to deal with it — mistakes can easily happen. Don’t worry though, because we’ve got a couple of pieces of advice for you right here!

So, if you need to deal with eviction moving in Florida, the question is — where do you begin? One thing you need to realize is — moving is quite difficult. It involves a hell of a lot of chores, which are usually small stuff that seems very easy to deal with. But as the amount of these tasks ramps up, especially when you’re in the middle of an eviction; it can all become too much way too easily. That’s why you mustn’t approach this with a laid-back attitude. For starters, you’ll need to plan out everything that you have to do. And then, with that sort of realistic plan, putting everything into motion becomes much easier.

But where do you start? Well, think about what moving is, in its essence. That’s right — the process of transporting your items from your old home to your new one. So, if you want to make that as painless as possible with a limited timeframe; make an inventory of your household. That’s right, it seems like a lot, but it’ll take only one afternoon. And once you’ve jotted down all of the things that you’re going to transport, everything becomes a lot less complicated. For one, you’ve got concrete, hard information on the volume of your moving shipment; which will make negotiating with movers a lot quicker.

Speaking of movers; if you want to handle eviction moving in Florida the right way, you’ll definitely want to hire a reputable moving company. Sure, doing it on your own may seem like a tantalizing prospect — and one which will save you some money to boot. But trust us, no one can handle this sort of job better and faster than a professional who is paid to do it. And the risk of making any sort of mistake becomes far smaller than when you do everything yourself.

But bearing this in mind — even if you’re looking for moving professionals in a hurry, you don’t want to settle for the first company you see. As with any other industry in the world, there are companies of varying quality and prices that handle residential moving. So, you want to get the lay of the land first. Ask around, and get a couple of quotes for your household from a couple of different companies before finally deciding on the best one. Trust us, there’s nothing worse than paying a big sum of money to a shady moving company, only for them to botch the job.

Apart from the price and quality of your movers, though, there’s another thing you’ll need to think about while you handle eviction moving in Florida. And that is — when will you relocate, precisely? Sure, you’ve got a short time span before you physically have to leave the premises. But even within that timeline, you want to make sure that you pick the best possible time you can. If you’ve only got a month to leave the property you’ve rented up until now — picking a good moving day is crucial. But how do you do that?

Well, firstly, you’ll need to make a thorough schedule of all the moving-related tasks that you have to finish before relocation day rolls around. So, apart from your inventory list, you’ll need to make a new one. And that will contain all of the different chores that you have to get done. So, think about everything from dealing with your utilities to buying packing materials — and proceed to plan out when you’ll do it all. Remember, if you’ve got a ton of stuff on your inventory, and you can’t pack it all before moving day; you’ve got the option to hire affordable storage that is secure. And put some of the stuff there, temporarily!

By the time you’re done with that, you’ll have actually completed the most difficult job; actually planning your relocation. Now all that’s left is to see how fast you’ll actually be able to get things done according to your schedule — and pick a moving day according to that. Now, the availability and schedule of your chosen moving company will also play a large role here. But, if you can, try to pick a date that’s not precisely the end of the month. That’s when most leases expire, so most of the people who relocate choose to do it then. And that means moving companies will be the busiest during that time; which in turn means higher prices. Also, we recommend not picking a weekend, if you can spare a work day — for similar reasons.

Finally, while we’ve mostly dealt with the practicalities of relocating, there’s one final aspect we need to deal with — and that’s your mental state during all of this. If you allow it to be, moving can be incredibly stressful. And when people feel anxiety, they tend to make even more mistakes — it’s a vicious cycle. That’s why you need to try to keep a cool head, even in highly stressful transitions such as this one. If you approach everything rationally, and with a solid plan — even eviction moving can be quite easy!

