How to protect fragile items when moving

Betty White
5 min readJan 15, 2020


A wooden box with the word fragile written on it.

During every relocation process, it is an important thing to keep the safety of your belongings. Especially, if you have fragile items. Avoiding any kind of damage is a crucial thing to have a smooth relocation. The best way to achieve this is to protect fragile items when moving. You should pay special attention to these belongings. Do not forget that they can get damaged if they are not secured properly. Also, for relocating them, it is necessary to have professional assistance. So, how to select, pack and relocate these types of items? In this article, we are going to present to you how to do it!

Make a selection of the fragile items you are going to relocate

The first step when you need to protect fragile items when moving is to make a selection of which of them you are going to relocate. Keep in mind that you might not be able to relocate all of them. That is the reason why you should take your time and make a wise decision. Do not forget that it is an important thing to make your relocation less stressful. By making a good selection and creating a good moving plan, you will feel relaxed and stress-free during the entire process.

A checklist.
Decide which fragile items you are going to relocate.

Do research about which moving company you are going to hire

Luckily, you have a lot of moving companies nowadays. This is a good thing since you have a lot of options to choose from. However, you need to choose wisely your future moving option and find a suitable one for you. In this case, when you need to relocate fragile items, finding a reliable company is a crucial thing. In other words, finding a company that will transport your belongings in the safest way, such as the one available at, is an important thing. Just do good research and see which solution is the best one for your upcoming relocation.

Separate your fragile items in categories

Before you gather packing materials in order to protect fragile items when moving, you should see how many of them you have and separate them in categories. In this way, you will have a clear image of what is the number and type of your items. For example, one category can be dishes, other pictures, frames, and mirrors, old items, etc. All of these items should have special categories, so you can organize it easier for packing. Do not forget that you need to handle your upcoming relocation with ease. Avoiding stressful and chaotic situations is an important thing to do.

Which packing materials should you gather in order to protect fragile items when moving?

Gathering packing materials is the next thing you should do. Even when hiring professionals to help you pack, it is still a good idea to have extra materials, just in case. We are now going to present to you a list of the materials that can be helpful:

● Cardboard boxes. — The boxes are the first material you should use to protect fragile items when moving. Keep in mind that the boxes are important for your items. You can put them inside the boxes and still be sure about their safety.

● Packing tapes. — By using the tapes, you will secure boxes even more. They cannot open if you put packing tapes on top of them and on the sides.

● Packing markers. — In order to know what is inside each of the boxes, use packing markers. You can write what is the type of fragile items on the top of the box and know what is inside. This will be also easier when you need to unpack once you arrive at your new home.

● Egg cartons.- Putting egg cartons inside the boxes, your fragile items will be secured more. So, you should definitely gather them.

As you can see, by using these materials you will protect your fragile items in the safest way. Speaking about where to gather these materials, it is not a hard thing. You just have to do good research and see where are the nearest stores for buying these materials.

An open cardboard box.
The safest way is to put your fragile items inside the boxes.

Alternative ways of packing fragile items

What are the alternative ways of protecting fragile items when relocating? The first option you have is to use old clothes that you do not need anymore. With your old clothes, you can wrap your fragile items and put them inside the boxes. In this way, you will save money and it is still a secure way to protect your fragile belongings. The second option is to use towels in which you can also wrap your fragile items. If you have old clothes and towels, consider doing this type of packing. You will just protect them even more and everything will go smoothly.

Towels in a tile.
Using towels is also a way to pack and protect fragile items.

Hiring professional packers is the safest way to protect fragile items when moving

Still, the safest way in which you will protect your fragile items is to hire professional packers. As we mentioned, when you are searching for a company, it is an important thing to find a reliable and decent one. Another thing you should look for is that if a company can provide you with professional packers. Be sure that having professionals by your side will make the entire process go with ease. When you find a company that can provide you with professional packers, contact it and ask about everything. Also, find out what are the costs and see if it is suitable for your budget.

Preparing fragile items properly is an important thing

To conclude, it is a crucial thing to protect fragile items when moving. As you can see, by following these tips that we have presented to you, it is not a hard thing to do it. You just have to organize properly and prepare for it. Also, gathering extra packing materials is always welcome. By doing things in this way, you can be sure that you will have a smooth relocation.

