Tips for finding a good roommate

Betty White
3 min readAug 19, 2019


Two roommates and a pug.

Man is a social being. The Bible says at the very beginning: “It is not good that the man should be alone”. Thus, it seems normal if one is objectively alone, to seek a company. At a young age, it doesn’t seem like a bad thing to have a roommate, and it seems like it’s easier to find a roommate. For older people, it is more difficult.

Finding a good roommate is not always so easy

This is similar to people who have not had a spouse for years, and when they start looking for it, it becomes very difficult to find someone who fits them. The older we get, the more we see flaws and other drawbacks. So we can conclude at the outset that finding a good roommate is directly related to years of age. But there must be some mutual interest in the life of the roommate, of any sort. Most likely, it is not living together, it is simply living in a shared space.

Two roommates sitting on a couch reading about finding a good roommate.
You were not even aware when they became more than a roommate.

How to find this person, called a good roommate

You came to the city from afar, maybe even from across the country, moved your stuff with the help of Best Cross Country Movers, got an apartment, but now you have to find someone to share it with! The rent is high and you do not need such a big flat.

  • First of all, you have to start early. You u have to start it from the place you lived before.
  • Advertise online in advance, before you move. There are specialized websites where you can offer apartment sharing, with a lot of details about yourself, and your habits. Also, ask for people with compatible habits
A student writing something surrounded by books.
Sorry, I have no time to talk, I have to study.

Use all your potential in finding a good roommate

Discover about others just as much as you are willing to discover about yourself

Set a boundary you will not exceed. Be wise and restrained. Some things will be revealed later and some may never be. If something seems disguised and you think will affect your life in a shared home, it is better to reject such a person than to cross those privacy boundaries that could later be an obstacle to normal life in a shared home. Finding a good roommate is not an easy task, but you must think about the other side. About the person who is in front of you, with the same worries.

