Ways to Make Your Relocation Less Stressful

Betty White
5 min readSep 19, 2019


Girl reading about ways to make your relocation less stressful on the internet.

Ask anyone what they think about moving and they’ll tell you it’s exhausting, tiring, and it takes a lot of time. However, there are ways to make your relocation less stressful. If you have moved enough times, you probably noticed that a familiar pattern repeats itself every time. At the start, you’re excited. You’re gathering everything that you need for the relocation, things like cardboard moving boxes and packing materials. And you’re encouraging yourself for the physical work that you’re about to do in the next few days. Then, after you have started, you realize that things are going to take more time than you initially thought that they would. You start thinking that just packing will last for an eternity.

In the end, the moving day comes. It’s always a sweaty, long day of heavy lifting and running around. Finally, when you arrive at your new home, you sit down and relax for a second until you realize that there is a ton more stuff to do. In the meantime, life hasn’t stopped. Kids, jobs, and pets continue to seek your attention. If there comes a problem with let’s say the internet, things become even more terrible.

Do you still wonder why people find moving so stressful?

In reality, there’s always a happy ending and everything works out just fine. However, stress is a part of moving that can’t be avoided. But, if you know what to expect, there are ways to make your relocation less stressful.

Ways to make your relocation less stressful

Accept the stress as a normal part of the relocation process

The oldest trick in the book is the simplest at the same time. However, that doesn’t mean that it isn’t important. The thing is that if you recognize that you’re going to be under a lot of stress during a period of time, it’s less likely that it will put you back. Just think about how many times you have accepted the stress as the part involved in a process and you soldiered on. You’ve been through this a million times in school or at your job. It’s really nothing new. Stress is just a normal and natural human response to the circumstances, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Take it for what it is and get on with it. Crucial thing is to acknowledge it when it happens. Just don’t let it distract you from the task at hand and you’ll handle the upcoming relocation with ease.

A depressed man.
Accepting stress is the first step to a happier life.

Give yourself time

Even with the Best Movers in Florida, one of the biggest problems with moving is time. To be more accurate, the lack of it. One of the ways to make your relocation less stressful is to give yourself enough time. As soon as you realize that you’ll need two days to pack a studio apartment, four days for a two-bedroom apartment, six days for a three-bedroom home, and so on, you’ll be in the clear. Also, don’t cut the process of researching and choosing a moving company, cleaning or setting utilities, on behalf of packing. Calculate how much time you will need, and begin on time.

Tackle the little things first

When you’re done with reading all the moving reviews and choosing a company, it is time for packing. Don’t try to torture yourself and start small. You’ll realize soon enough that little things will quickly add up to the big ones. If you feel trapped and you don’t know where to start, just do anything. As soon as you get something done, you have already started and there’s nothing that can stop you. Making progress of any kind is very important when trying to manage your stress. Don’t worry about how you’re going to pack all of your things, transport them and unpack them all at the same time. Focus on the present and the thing that you’re doing at the moment.

Shelf full of little things.
Even packing a shelf is a start, and it means making progress.

Organization is key

If you want to make your move less stressful, stay organized. And this does apply to anything that is involved in the move. From moving checklists, sorting and labeling, all the way to keeping all the important documentation in one, easy to find spot. Make the organization a priority from day one of your relocation process and you’ll have a lot less headache than you might expect.

Hire professional movers

Always be sure to hire a reliable and professional moving company. There are many benefits of doing so. Beside stress relief that you’ll get with handing off major tasks to them, you can even cut your expenses when moving. They will definitely be there for all the heavy lifting, but they can also tackle the packing, transporting specialty items and whatever else you need them to help you with. You’ll work much less, and therefore there will be a lot less stress for you.

Ask your friends and family to help

How many times did you help others (every time you could, of course)? That is why it is okay to ask for help and support when you need it. Even if you don’t need help with heavy lifting, a company always comes nicely when you’re packing or unpacking. An extra set of hands can help enormously, and having someone to talk to is a great distraction. Try to plan ahead and ask for help at least a week prior to the move. This will help people accommodate and you’re more likely to find someone. Don’t forget to show your gratitude and return the favor when asked.

Hands tied together.
Your family and friends will be happy to help you, just ask them in advance.

Remember to get enough sleep

When you have a lot on your mind and hands, it’s easy to forget about sleep and to put it in the back burner. However, sleep is an extremely important thing. The less rest you get, the more likely you are to fall under the pressure. Don’t neglect yourself and put sleep high on the priority chart. Moving can be very hard on you both physically and mentally, so try to get a full night’s rest every time you can. If you don’t you’ll run empty very quickly and that is not good for anything. There are many ways to make your relocation less stressful, but getting enough sleep has to be one of the most important things to remember.

