What are the qualities of a dream home?

Betty White
5 min readSep 25, 2019


A living room with full-glass windows overlooking a mountain, representing the qualities of a dream home.

There are plenty of reasons why you would consider what the qualities of a dream home are. After you’ve spent a while in the same household, sprucing it up a bit is something anyone would want. Plus, if you decide on moving somewhere else and selling your current home, you want it to be interesting enough to catch the attention of prospective buyers. Whatever your reasoning is, don’t worry — we’re here to give you a couple of suggestions on what makes any home the best that it can be!

The Basics

Generally, we can safely say that not all people have the same ideas when it comes to the qualities of a dream home. It’s only natural, seeing as most people lead varying lifestyles, with different aspirations and tastes. However, there are some things which are universally pleasing to everyone.

For example, having a spacious home — no matter what kind of lifestyle you have, everyone could always use some extra space. And also, the location is hugely important as well. Especially if you’re looking for a new home with your family — everyone likes to live in a good school district.


Mistakenly, many people don’t consider a security system to be one of the qualities of a dream home, to their own detriment. And that’s because contemporary security systems offer much more functionality than a simple alarm. For example, a modern security system might give you the option of receiving a phone notification when your kid gets home safely from school, or when your cleaning staff enters a room they’re not supposed to be in, or, for safety reasons, when any motion is detected nearby your outdoor pool. So, install a modern security system and make your home and bedroom sleep-friendly and as safe as possible.


More often than not, people overlook landscaping when they consider upgrades and qualities of a dream home. But that’s another big mistake. If you’re attempting to sell your house for a good price, there’s nothing better to position you on the real estate market than proper curb appeal. Just hire a couple of workers and a landscape designer, and they’ll make the outside of your home look as good as it can. Alternatively, if you’re working within a more limited budget — you can always just do it on your own. Indeed, there are more than a few upgrades you can make without spending money on hiring professionals.

A potted plant in a yard, representing curb appeal.
Landscaping is the basis of increasing the curb appeal of your home!

The way towards that is simple — just buy a quality book on DIY landscaping, or read up on all the best practices for beginners online. With no outside help at all, you’ll soon find yourself being able to plant shrubs, lay sod, or even restore a worn-out walkway all by yourself. In fact, you may even be able to install a yard irrigation system on your own. And if you can manage to automate it, you’ll be able to just set it to turn on at the time of your choosing; or you can toggle it off and on via your phone. Speaking of automation — you can also use it to adjust your walkway lighting.

Home Automation

Home automation is one of the best qualities of a dream home, especially in this day and age. Quite simply, as of now — technology is developing at a rapid pace, and this has started trickling down to the average consumer. So, a level of home automation that was considered science fiction just a couple of decades ago, now represents mundane reality. Best of all — home automation improvements are incredibly affordable nowadays.

A graphic image showing the connection between tech symbols and a house.
Home automation will make your house into a true dream home from the future!

You can toggle both exterior and interior lights as you please. You can even set your TV to switch on when you enter the room. Or, you can simply lock and unlock your front door using nothing more than your smartphone. And combined with a home security system, home automation means that you can keep an eye on your kids and your pets even when you’re at work. It’s not only a convenience; it’s a chance for you to get peace of mind, which is, at the end of the day, what a dream home represents. Sure, at first it may seem like a bit of a hassle to get up and running, but once it’s done, the maintenance of a home automation system is dirt cheap and requires very little effort. Especially if you hire professionals to do it for you!

Home Theater

Let’s say that you want to relocate somewhere new. And when moving to another country, town, or state, one thing is definitely true — you’ll want to sell your current home. For the best price possible, naturally. So, you’re wondering how to add some value to it. Or, on the other hand — you may just want to stay there, and dramatically improve your own living conditions. Whichever one it is, here’s a great idea — installing a home theater system.

A pair of leather recliners in a living room.
A home theater system with comfy seating is just what a dream home needs!

Just imagine it — with the right home theater system, you can enjoy the pleasure and excitement of large-screen movie watching! And all of that, from the comfort of your very own couch! It doesn’t get much better than that — a huge television with gorgeous HD picture quality and a proper stereo sound system. Truly, a home theater is definitely one of the qualities of a dream home, by anyone’s standards. You can both enjoy a quiet family movie evening, and observe your team beating the competition into the ground. All you need now are a couple of extra touches, like a popcorn machine, a couple of recliners and bean bags — and you’re all set! Soon enough, your home theater will be the talk of the neighborhood.

