Top Five Tips for Best Canon Flash Photography

Betty Wada
3 min readJul 19, 2017


Photography is a passion for some people, but most of them have taken it professionally either as a freelancer or full-time professionals. Owning a best Canon DSLR is not only the requirement of being professional or working great, but it requires a lot more than that. This is one of the greatest arts to master, as flash photography requires proper lighting and effects. It can be done on a bright sunny day or at night. One should be well-versed with effective techniques in order to capture the finest moments. Moreover, for the best canon flash photography, the photographer needs to minimize the gremlins and use it wisely to get best effects with the external flash for canon.

Here are the finest five tips to make the top-quality Canon flash photography:

1. Using Bounce Flash Techniques

The camera light may look harsh and artificial, but the need for softening and enlarging is required. For getting the best results:

  • It is mandatory to bounce the flash through the click stops at angles of 45, 60, 75 and 90.
  • The main idea behind this technique is to increase the light source in the room, as this will produce much natural light.
  • The photographer should consider the surface to be neutral white in order to avoid unnatural color casting.

2. Wireless Flash System

For capturing the photographs, with an external flash for canon and in order to prevent the tangles of wires it is great if one can buy the wireless TTL flash system. This system has a master flashgun that captures the perfect images when placed ten meters ahead in order to get the natural lighting effect. This will help in illuminating dark backgrounds, cast color lighting and highlighting the secondary elements.

3. ISO Range Controlling

The best canon flash helps in shooting the perfection of moving images too. For shooting the high sensitivity moving pictures or the photographs in the low light, the Canon flash is the best. One needs to keep the flash inside the ISO range but at a time use the expansion settings. If the subject is not moving and the camera is put on the tripod, then it is advisable to use the lowest native range, i.e. ISO100.

4. Careful Switching of the lenses

While clicking photographs in the windy conditions, it is worthwhile for the photographers:

  • To protect the sensor while changing it in order to avoid dirt and the dust.
  • One needs to see that the lenses of the camera are handheld, and the angle of the camera is down in order to avoid any kind of debris.
  • Moreover, in case the automatic sensor cleaning does not kick on, then it is advisable to activate it in the menu mode.

5. Make Use of the Ambient Light

The canon external flash will work best for the clicked images:

  • If the natural light provides an equal effect on the photographed subjects.
  • The dark tunnel effect may appear if enough light is not exposed from the regular source but the camera flash.
  • It becomes equally important to get the natural ambiance in the photograph, and one should do it with the help of camera’s manual mode settings.

Lastly, it is advisable to the beginners and the pros to get the best canon flash for their DSLRs. One should go through the significant flash related tips to get the best out of their photographs.



Betty Wada

Betty Wada has spent too much time on researching and finding the best stuff for my Canon DSLR, and this led me to make