
I’ve been writing on Medium for a couple years. But now it’s time for me to share the whole truth of who I am. Until now there has been a lot of my life I didn’t talk about.

I didn’t want to risk upsetting family members by talking about an argument we had. I didn’t want to risk losing my job by mentioning something at work that was too funny. I didn’t want to talk about stupid crap that I regret doing that might make me look bad.

I didn’t write about any of that stuff, which meant I skirted a lot of important issues in my life.

Relationships, friendship, love in all forms are what make life worth living and I want to write about that now. So, I created a second profile — Between You and Me.

Here I am FREE to let it all hang out here.

I am naked, just like the girl in my profile photo. At least I think she’s a girl. I don’t really know.

Speaking of my profile photo, as soon as I saw her I knew she was me. She looked so thoughtful, as though she was waiting her turn to speak.

I didn’t want to pick a photo of a human, as that might imply I was pretending to be the person in the photo. And I wasn’t planning on writing about flowers or mountain streams, so why use one of those for my profile photo.

I wanted an animal and when I saw this one I thought, “THAT is how I feel right now.” So thanks to photographer, Alexas_Fotos.

You won’t find me visiting my other profile page or linking there. If we had two me’s in the same time and space — well anyone who has watched Back to the Future, knows you can upset the whole Time-Space continuum doing that.

Thanks for reading.


p.s. My name is Jan. Not my real name, but in dialogs where my friends refer to me, they will call me Jan and you should too.

Medium member since February 2022


I write about relationships, friendship, and my deepest struggles via this incognito profile. I invite reader questions too. It will be kept between you and me.