Beverly Payne
6 min readFeb 3, 2020


Work Smarter

2 Strategies to Increase Productivity and Collaboration at Meetings

Easy agendas and note-taking for meetings

Photo by CoWomen on Unsplash

If you are in a leadership position at your organization or company, you probably find yourself in meetings quite often. How can you increase productivity and collaboration at your meetings?

I am sharing with you two ways that I have found to boost productivity and collaboration for teams.

If you work in a smaller organization, you might find that your day is mostly meetings since your duties probably cover many departments or projects.

I long for a day with no meetings. It is difficult to imagine a day where I don’t have to rely on my calendar to get me to the next meeting on time.

(I was about to type, “It is difficult to imagine a day when I can actually work instead of attend meetings.” The problem with that is that often the meeting is the work. Meetings should be productive and move the organization forward. But that’s another article entirely.)

Here are my top 2 methods for boosting productivity and collaboration at meetings.

1. Collaborative Agenda and Note-taking Document (2 for 1 on this one!)

