Court Rules That Bevin Admin Cover Up Will Cost Taxpayers $500,000

Matt Bevin Corruption Watch
1 min readJul 26, 2019

KDP: “Matt Bevin should come clean and explain why his administration illegally tried to silence a whistleblower.”

A Franklin County jury found that the Bevin administration wrongfully tried to silence a whistleblower in his Labor Cabinet and now it’s costing Kentucky taxpayers $500,000.

The Louisville Courier Journal reports: “A Franklin County jury on Thursday awarded $500,000 in damages to a former Labor Cabinet employee who claimed he was fired in 2017 for reporting problems with an apprenticeship program promoted by Gov. Matt Bevin. The jury awarded Michael Donta $133,500 for lost wages plus $366,500 in punitive damages in the whistleblower case.”

Bevin’s Labor Cabinet has previously come under fire for sending subpoenas to public school teachers and threatening to fine them $1,000 for every day they were at the capitol to fight for public education and their own retirement security.

“The Bevin administration has been caught trying to cover up wrongdoing from insiders, while hurting working families,” said Marisa McNee, spokesperson for the Kentucky Democratic Party. “Now that a jury decided this cover up is going to cost taxpayers $500,000. Matt Bevin should come clean and explain why his administration illegally tried to silence a whistleblower.”



Matt Bevin Corruption Watch

While working families are falling behind, we’re exposing Matt Bevin’s corruption and cronyism. This is a project of the Kentucky Democratic Party.