Fear vs. Love

Bevz Sapon-De Guzman
2 min readJun 10, 2019


“For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather of power and love and self-control.”
2 Tim 1:7 | NASB


Way before I attended the Feast, this has been a guiding verse for me. I remember my mom pointing out this verse when I opened up to her about something I was beginning to fear, back when I was in high school. So, even before I learned about Romans 8:28, Philippians 4:13, and Jeremiah 29:11, this and Proverbs 12:1 have long served me as guidance for every decision I make.

But this verse is something I usually disregard. Perhaps because I’m usually wary of a lot of stuff. That fear or worry occupies me before logic and love take over (usually in hindsight).

And now, this is actually a very timely reminder. I guess it’s that time again when I’m not too busy with online work and I get to think about so many things, then I get pressured to start some of the stuff I’ve been meaning to do since.. Forever! I guess I just need to take things one step at a time, and really go back to this verse whenever I get the courage, and then at times the discouragement, to start doing things that would make me feel better, earn more, or learn more and then teach my little girl.

I should always remember that love should be my starting point. Love is the motivator. Love is that shove I need. When there is love, there really is nothing to fear.

Okay, so my title did not really relate to what I wrote. I just typed and just let the words flow through my fingers. I guess my “love” for writing and speaking my mind out was stronger than the fear of being judged and criticized. 🙂

Originally published at http://godguidedgal.com on June 10, 2019.



Bevz Sapon-De Guzman

I am a wife, a mom, and an Online Freelancer from San Pedro, Laguna, Philippines. I am also an ambivert. :)