Trying out new things in the offline world

3 min readAug 29, 2023


I live a great amount of time in the cloud, and I would like to change that and spice things up with some analog activities.

Random picture of the sky by me.

But why? Tell me why..

Well glad I asked. I noticed while recovering from my burnout, that I am always on. My mind is always on, it’s getting triggered and will send me down a path of more thoughts and more thoughts and more thoughts.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind going into a string of thoughts to look for possible outcomes or ideas or whatnot. However, when I am feeling down doubtful, or uncertain, my mind will also go on a journey for more thoughts.

This will also result in thoughts from the past, negative things I experienced, uncertainty about how the future will look, etc. So this doesn’t help me at all and I would like to be more in the present and give my mind some rest instead of feeding it with more and more triggers.

And while we are at it, I would like to be more present, and more in control of what I can do to ensure some more rest for my mind.

Being more calm or able to listen more to my feelings would be nice. And heck trying out new things is also nice, at least things I want to try out!

So what will I do?

I did the following things.

  1. I bought a Kendama, and I came across this in one of the YouTube rabbit holes. It’s a Japanese skill toy and you can do a lot of cool tricks with it if you practice.
  2. Next week I will attend a tai chi lesson, this one I am excited about! The past year I was also considering doing this, but I backed down last minute, this was the beginning of my burnout. However, now I would love to try this out because I am looking for ways to be more physically active and live more out of the cloud. So Tai chi feels like a nice thing to try.
  3. I bought the first book of the Witcher series for my Kindle. This way I can read before going to sleep. This way, my mind can’t go that wild while I am endlessly scrolling on my phone.
  4. I am trying Yoga Nidra for some rest if I feel tired. This is something else, you are awake but also asleep, it is interesting. I would recommend doing a session to experience yourself.

Feeding boredom or rest with media

It is not only the mind, but I feel bored a lot of the time. And I feed this while lying on the couch watching YT on my iPad or iPhone. Sure, this is nice, time from time, but it became a thing I do every day.

My energy levels are not high because of the burnout, so it is nice to rest on the couch. However, I would like to lower my screen time and change it with other things to do.

I am not going completely offline

I am curious to see if the things I want to try out help me be more present, sleep better, rest more, and be more offline overall.

I don’t have a goal, of maxing out the time I can spend in the cloud. Or that I will be doing a 30-day cleanse or whatnot. That’s not what I want to achieve, I don’t want to forbid myself from doing things.

I just want to do some things in addition to my online usage that keeps me more in the present, give some less triggers for my mind, and get some more rest and just overall things I can do without diving into the cloud and just lying on the couch.

Because, I like being online, gaming, watching YT, and browsing the internet. So I will not cut it out of my life but moderate it a bit more.

So in conclusion

I want some new things to do outside the cloud while feeling bored or tired. I want to do offline things to keep my mind from wandering off with the endless triggers the cloud gives, I want to be more present.

Thanks for reading this! You have my gratitude.




On a journey called life where I will share my thoughts, feelings, challenges and whatnot.