Meaning of Intellectual Journey

It is all about honesty.

Deep Sherchan
2 min readFeb 6, 2014


What is the idea behind an intellectual journey? One thing I am sure of is that it is not about being able to quote Socrates or Aristotle. Neither it is about merging yourself into the ocean of books and understanding what others have said about the world or life.

Instead, I believe its the exact opposite. It is about stripping yourself from all the ornamental moral values and knowledge you have gathered for years and starting from scratch. It is a journey you take with a blank canvas and paint it with NOT your knowledge but with your experience. It is about being honest about yourself.

History provides us with numerous examples where great thinkers have taken that path and emerged enlightened. The goal of the intellectual journey is not to find out the truth but to get rid of all the lies that you have been holding on to.

Edited Note: I wrote this short article many years back. But for some reason, it has been receiving visits every day. So I was curious. Turns out the post is ranked 1 on Google for the keyword “intellectual journey”. I was amused.

If you visited this post from google search, I am very curious to know what was it that you were looking for. Any question you had in mind? Or was it for an academic purpose and you were just looking to find something to reference? If you can comment, maybe we can engage in a dialogue and I can update this post with better content.



Deep Sherchan

Saas business Marketing Consultant from Adelaide, Australia. 9+ years of experience in Saas product management and marketing.