Embracing Our Spiritual Essence…The Adventure of Being Human

Samantha Jones
5 min readAug 3, 2023


One of my all-time favorite sayings is, “We are not just human beings living a spiritual life, but spiritual beings living a human life.” It might sound a little different, but you know what? It’s pretty exciting because it means we can really explore who we truly are and find our purpose in this wonderful life.

There’s way more to us than just these meat suits our souls walk around in. Deep inside each of us, there’s a beautiful spiritual part that connects us to the whole universe. And when we start to understand this, it’s like opening a door to discovering more about ourselves, growing personally, and finding real meaning in life. It’s like being on an amazing adventure to learn the truth about who we are — beyond all the things that make us physically unique. This understanding helps us tap into our inner wisdom, and that, my friend, guides us to form stronger connections with ourselves, others, and the incredible world around us.

Thinking about our spiritual side might be different from what we’re used to. You know how society often focuses on material things and doesn’t pay much attention to our spiritual selves? Well, some people might not even understand or believe in it. But that’s alright! We’re all unique, and that’s why it’s super important to create a world where everyone’s ideas are respected, and people can feel free to explore and express their spiritual beliefs without any fear of being judged or left out.

We’re all on our own special journey in this human experience, and our spiritual exploration is a fantastic part of it. Each of us might take a different path, but what brings us together is the shared desire to find meaning and connection in life. Our spiritual journey might involve all sorts of practices, like meditation, prayer, or just spending time in nature. These simple activities allow us to reach the depths of our being and gain some insight into the greater mysteries of existence.

One thing I can’t live without in my spiritual practices is meditation. This is such a powerful tool that helps us tune into our true selves and align with the energy we are meant to align with. And guess what? It doesn’t require anything fancy or special training. Anyone can meditate, and it can be done practically anywhere! I absolutely love incorporating meditation into my daily life. It gives me little moments of tranquility and reflection even during a super busy day. Whether it’s taking a few minutes during a work break, listening to my favorite music in the shower, or sitting quietly in nature, meditation allows me to reconnect with my spiritual self. And I very highly recommend it to anyone… not just spiritual people.

Another awesome thing about embracing our spiritual side is realizing how we’re all connected. WE ARE ONE! We’re part of this vast web of life, and guess what? Our actions and energies have a ripple effect on the world around us. So, when we understand this interconnectedness, we become more mindful of how our choices impact others and the environment. Compassion and empathy grow naturally when we see that we’re all part of the same cosmic tapestry.

Iwant to talk about something important here. When it comes to our happiness, one major aspect of our lives plays a huge role — the job we choose! Yep, our career has the power to bring fulfillment and a sense of purpose. But you know what? Sometimes, our spiritual aspirations don’t exactly align with society’s expectations, and that’s okay! Even if our dream job totally matches our spiritual values, others might not get it, and that’s okay too! The key is listening to our hearts and following a career path that feels spiritually right for us. Trust me, when we do that, we’ll experience an inner satisfaction and a profound sense of harmony.

Before I discovered my abilities, I spent a whole 20 years as a pet sitter. Now, don’t get me wrong, it was enjoyable, but it just didn’t fully light up my heart. Now, using my abilities to help both people and animals, my life feels so spiritually aligned, and it’s just amazing! Everything flows better, I feel healthier, and my confidence has skyrocketed. It’s incredible how following my true calling has brought such positive changes to my life.

Now, I get it, balancing our spiritual side with daily life can be a bit of a challenge. We gotta take care of our bodies and emotions while also nourishing our spiritual well-being. But you know what? It’s totally doable! Anything is doable if you just trust the universe and believe!

When we bring spirituality into our daily lives, it’s like a magical boost to our connection and happiness. Before my spiritual awakening and embracing these practices in my daily routine, I used to wake up feeling all uneasy and unsure about the day ahead. But guess what? Now, every morning I try my hardest to I get up with a positive attitude. I start my day by listening to uplifting music, avoiding all those negative vibes like news and Debbie Downers, and doing my shower meditation to set myself up spiritually and emotionally for the day. And let me tell you, it works wonders! It helps me deal with challenges with strength and grace, and it makes me realize how we’re all connected to each other and the world around us. Everything just looks different now, and these changes have made me a happier, healthier person.

So, my friends, when we think about being spiritual beings in this human adventure, it changes how we see ourselves and our purpose. Embracing our spiritual side leads us on a journey of growth and self-discovery, and it’s truly magical! Let’s work together to create a world where different spiritual beliefs are valued and celebrated, where everyone feels empowered to follow careers that match their spiritual selves. This way, we’ll make life more meaningful, joyful, and real — for ourselves and for future generations. So, let’s wholeheartedly embrace this incredible journey of being human and discover our spiritual side along the way! Because you know what? This journey is meant to be shared with laughter, love, and lots of happy moments!

Peace & Love,

Samantha Jones




Samantha Jones

Animal communicator, psychic medium, reiki master, energy healer, radio and podcast host, writer