Meet Anne Waldman— National Poetry Month Featured Poet for April 22nd

Jack Preston King
2 min readApr 22, 2017


Internationally recognized and acclaimed poet Anne Waldman has been an active member of the “Outrider” experimental poetry community, a culture she has helped create and nurture for over four decades as writer, editor, teacher, performer, magpie scholar, infra-structure curator, and cultural/political activist. Her poetry is recognized in the lineage of Whitman and Ginsberg, and in the Beat, New York School, and Black Mountain trajectories of the New American Poetry. But has raised the bar as a feminist, activist and powerful performer. She has read in the streets as well as numerous larger venues such as the Dodge Literary Festival in the USA and the Jaipur Literature Festival in India and continues to teach poetics all over the world. She remains a highly original “open field investigator” of consciousness, committed to the possibilities of radical shifts of language and states of mind to create new modal structures and montages of attention. Her work is energetic, passionate, panoramic, fierce at times.

She is the author of more than 40 books, including the mini-classic Fast Speaking Woman, published by Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s City Lights Books in San Francisco, a collection of essays entitled Vow to Poetry and several selected poems editions including Helping the Dreamer, Kill or Cure and In the Room of Never Grieve. She has concentrated on the long poem as a cultural intervention with such projects as Marriage: A Sentence, Structure of The World Compared to a Bubble, Manatee/Humanity, which is a book-length rhizomic meditation on evolution and endangered species, and Gossamurmur a meditation on Archive. Her monumental anti-war feminist epic The Iovis Trilogy: Colors in the Mechanism of Concealment, a 25 year project, won the Pen Center Award for Poetry. Waldman’s major publishers are Penguin Poets and Coffee House Press. Her most recent book is Voice’s Daughter of a Heart Yet To Be Born (2016), which, as Lyn Hejinian says, “brings Waldman’s work into the more intimate paradoxical folds of poetic (and prophetic) knowledge.”



Anne Waldman’s website

Anne Waldman PennSound page

Push, Push Against the Darkness: An Interview with Anne Waldman on The Iovis Trilogy

American poet Anne Waldman talks about Trump & US

The New Weathers: Anne Waldman on Poetry and Protest

Anne Waldman, The Poet Who Fights Against Wars, Men, Presidents

Poems On-Line:

Attenuate the Loss and Find


Giant Night

History Will Decide

The Lie

Light & Shadow

Makeup on Empty Space

Philosophia Perennis

A Phonecall from Frank O’Hara


Scallop Song

To the Censorious Ones



Maelstrom: One Drop Makes the Whole World Kin

Allegorical Baraka

Manatee/Humanity [excerpt]

Matriot Acts, Act I [history Of Mankind]

Baby’s Pantoum

Fast Speaking Woman [excerpt]

