Meet Sharon Olds — National Poetry Month Featured Poet for April 21st

Jack Preston King
3 min readApr 21, 2017


Sharon Olds was born in San Francisco and educated at Stanford University and Columbia University. She is the author of twelve books of poetry, including most recently Odes (2016) and Stag’s Leap (2012), winner of the Pulitzer Prize and England’s T. S. Eliot Prize. Her other honors include the inaugural San Francisco Poetry Center Award for her first book, Satan Says (1980), and the National Book Critics Circle Award for her second, The Dead and the Living (1983), which was also the Lamont Poetry Selection for 1983. The Father (1992) was short-listed for the T. S. Eliot Prize in England, and The Unswept Room (2002) was a finalist for the National Book Award and the National Book Critics Circle Award. Olds teaches in the Graduate Creative Writing Program at New York University and helped to found the NYU workshop program for residents of Coler-Goldwater Hospital on Roosevelt Island, and for veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan. Her next collection, Arias, will be published by Knopf in October 2019. She lives in New York City.



Sharon Olds Sings the Body Electric The poet discusses her new collection in praise of everything from tampons to oral sex.

Sharon Olds: Blood, sweat and fears When Sharon Olds was a child, she was told she was going to hell.

Heartbroken? 6 Ways to Pull Yourself Back Up At one time or another, it happens — the person we most love goes away. How do we survive it — and thrive? Celebrated poet Sharon Olds weighs in.

Sharon Olds: My husband left me after 32 years — but I refuse to be a victim Melanie McDonagh meets the TS Eliot Prize-winner Sharon Olds, whose powerful poetry collection was inspired by the ex-husband who out of the blue abandoned her for a colleague

Sharon Olds, America’s Brave Poet of the Body

Poems On-Line:

After Making Love in Winter


Beyond Harm



The Cast

Chamber Thicket

The Day They Tied Me Up

Earliest Memory

The Enchantment

The Fear of Oneself

First Thanksgiving

The Flurry

The Guild

He Comes for the Jewish Family, 1942


His Stillness

His Terror

I Could Not Tell

I Go Back to May 1937


In What Direction or When

The Legless Fighter Pilot

May 1968

The Month of June: 13 1/2


My Father’s Diary

The Planned Child

Prayer during a Time My Son Is Having Seizures

The Pull


The Relics

Rite of Passage

Satan Says



Spoon Ode

Still Life

Still Life in Landscape

Toth Farry

Whenever I Saw You I Handed You a Bouquet, and

Wonder as Wander

Znamenskaya Square, Leningrad, 1941

Ode of Girls’ Things


Wonder as Wander

Blowjob (Vulgar Slang) (audio only)


Mairsy and Dosey (audio only)

Take the I Out

The Ferryer (audio only)

Sex Without Love

The Wedding Vow

The Death of Marilyn Monroe

The Knowing


The Flurry

True Love

My Son The Man

Her First Week

Still Life In Landscape The Pact

I Could Not Tell


I Go Back To May 1937

The Ferryer

The Sash

One Year

Take The I Out

The Space Heater

The Mortal One

The Daughter Goes To Camp

Japanese-American Farmhouse, California, 1942



The Borders

The Clasp

The End

May 1968

A Week Later


The Victims

The Unborn

