7 Top Benefits Of A Multilingual Website


The internet continues to grow and has become the default point of call for businesses searching for products, services, or information. In this internet era, to expand your business, it is important for you to tap the global marketplace. Creating a multilingual website will be of great help in this scenario.

The Web provides tremendous opportunities to grow revenue and increase profit. However, to maximize reach, organizations have to think beyond communicating only in their native language.

Whichever business you are into, you would, of course, want to reach the maximum possible number of people. In order to reach a wide audience and get a great search ranking on Google and other search engines, having a website for your business is necessary. If you are in a country where more than one language is used by potential users, then creating a multilingual website should be your topmost priority.

When multilingual website translation takes place, either all of your webpages are translated into two or more languages, or the main site translated in one language and then a landing page in other language. Depending on the country in which you are based, you may either need a few words in another language or an entire copy of your website in that language.

Let’s understand more about the importance of multilingual website.

What Do You Mean By A Multilingual Website?

It is a website that provides content in more than one language, for example, English, French, German, etc. A multilingual website will help you to expand the client base and secure a higher sales volume. Building a multilingual website requires expert knowledge of all languages involved in the process. It allows you to tap into the global market more effectively.

To Understand In-Depth, Consider These Statistics:

Ø 73% of internet browsers are not English.

Ø 72% of users browse in their language.

Ø 56% say browsing in their language is more important than the price.

Ø 46% say they don’t purchase products displayed in foreign languages.

These stats highlight the need for translation. With the help of translation services, you can reach a wide audience and build your brand overseas. Translating your website is the best option here. But why should you get your website translated? Here are the reasons that will help you understand better:

Why Do You Need A Translated Website?

1. Shift Away from English Internet Users

2. Cost-Effective Marketing Tool

3. Attract New Customers

4. Increase in Sales

5. Customer-Centric

6. Culturally Sensitive

7. Beat Competitors

8. International Nature

In this way, website translation service is one of the most affordable and effective ways to open a new market. So, make sure your next investment to be into creating a multilingual website for your business.

Let us now throw some light on knowing the top 7 reasons, how multilingual website can benefit your business.

Let’s Take A Close Look At It:

1. Lower Advertising Costs

The increased competition in established markets will lead to higher advertising and marketing costs. Therefore, targeting emerging markets will help you lower your advertising costs. So, target these markets and expand your audience globally with website translation services.

2. Improve SEO

Including multiple languages on your site will lead to a boost in search engine visibility. You’ll be ranking for keywords that your competition isn’t ranking for, and this will lead to an increase in your organic traffic.

3. Build Trust

By catering to a customer in their native language, you build a layer of trust. Trust is crucial online, where customers aren’t interacting with a person, but rather a computer screen. Trust is an essential ingredient in converting the customer into a sale.

4. Increase Conversions

Improved SEO, as well as building trust, contribute to increased conversions. Multilingual websites serve as a building block towards creating repeat and loyal customers. This will generate more revenue and increase sale of your products and services.

5. Increase Repeat Customers

Repeat customer’s help in creating a steadier stream of income. If there would be no repeat customers, then you had to invest time and effort in acquiring new ones continually.

6. Establish a Competitive Advantage

With many businesses not yet fully embracing website localization, you have a great opportunity to go one step ahead and differentiate your business from theirs. Reach maximum customers who have yet not viewed your content before somebody else does.

7. Strong brand image

Creating a good impression, when consumers land on your website, is vital for your business. Website translation and localization service can increase not only your level of credibility but also strengthen trust in your brand. This leads to the enhancement of your global reputation.

Opting for website localization service is a cost-effective way to expand your business overseas. And with the many statistics pointing in favor of doing so, it’s time for you to build your multilingual site.

Final Thoughts

A multilingual website gives you an opportunity to connect with more people around the globe. If building a multilingual website seems too complicated for you, then think twice, as it has the power to take your business to a whole new level.

In this post, I showed you seven reasons how a multilingual website translation can benefit your business. so, keep these factors in mind and make your next big marketing move by investing in building a multilingual website!

Professional Multilingual Website Translation

It is essential to work only with professional translators when you require best website translation services. Beyond Wordz, a brand of Shakti Enterprise is one of the most preferred website translation service providers in India. Headquartered in Mumbai, we are committed to breaking all communications barriers, which can create obstacles in your business.

We provide website translation, localization, software localization, mobile app localization, multilingual SEO, language translation and multimedia localization services. Our main USP includes quick turnaround time, proficient localization and accuracy guarantee.

For more information, take a look at the services we offer and contact us for your next project today!

